There, just had to say it.
Ok so my goodness the time has flown. Let me give you a run down. Thursday’s party was AWFUL. The restaurant was lovely, the food was exquisite. But getting there took me TWO FRIGGING HOURS. The drive is normally as I’m told only 15 minutes. But it took me two hours, because we were driving in 10 inches of snow. It was awful. Of the entire 8 people party, only 4 made it and those 4 lived close (except for me). Once we got there the food was great, but I worriedly watched the snow continue to fall. There was talk of me staying at crony’s house * cry* Or Sharon’s, or Carol’s. While I appreciated the offers, wild horses or 10 inches of snow even couldn’t keep me from getting home. Not only would I miss being online, but the LAST thing I want to do is stay in a strange environment, sleep in my clothing and go to work the next day in same clothes! EW
So I begin the drive home at 7:15pm cst. I didn’t get home until 10:45pm. On the way I nearly had two very real accidents, and my thanks to my mother and Michael who stayed on the phone with me the entire time. I was a nervous wreck. I can handle most driving conditions, but not snow. My mother says God is the only reason I got home that night. Maybe she’s right… but I think it was more than just god.
So I go home intending to get out some frustration in game and make it about a half hour before passing out from exhaustion lol. OH well, best attempts right?
So Friday, I started to drive to work. It took me 20 minutes to get from my house to route 59 (normally a TWO minute drive). I called Sharon and told her, no way. SO I stayed home Friday. I started feeling a bit under the weather, but I though that was just exhaustion. However, you know how it is on a free day. I spent a good portion of the day sleeping when I wanted, and playing when I wanted. I also cleaned a bit. But I did sleep.
Saturday and Sunday were a blur to me. Sunday around 4:30pm though, I started feeling really sick. By 5:30pm I was REALLY sick. I called the immediate care but they closed at 6pm. So I threw some sweats on and bolted out the door. I cleaned off my car and got in the car at 5:55pm, but the doctor had already left the immediate care, so I couldn’t get there. By this time I was in excruciating pain. I ran back inside the house and I don’t even know what I did at that point. I remember calling some people but mainly I remember crying lol. I found some Ketek, an antibiotic that at one point had been prescribed for something similar to what I was experiencing so I took it. I rarely self medicate, especially with antibiotics, but I was in so much pain I couldn’t see. I just knew I wasn’t going to the ER to get reamed on the cost there if I could avoid it so I took the medicine. Thankfully, in about an hour, the meds kicked in and I felt mildly better. At least I was able to sleep which, I did fitfully.
Then I got up in the morning on Monday and went immediately to the convenient care. Boy did I do it up right. Not only did I take medicine that didn’t help what I had, but it only helped on the surface (at least it was something). I have three infections. The least of these infections is an ear infection. The worst of these infections raises my heart rate and puts me in danger of V-Tach (for those of you that don’t know this is my heart condition, and this infection puts me at risk of going into ventricular tachycardia… a form of stroke). So now, I’m on two antibiotics, a painkiller, a blood pressure medicine, and a decongestant lol. I went home after calling off and proceeded to fall asleep in my chair. They weren’t kidding when they told me the first days dose would knock me out. I fell asleep so soundly that for 30 minutes my body went numb. My ENTIRE body. When I woke up enough to crawl (literally because I couldn’t walk) to the couch, I immediately after the horrible pins and needles, fell back asleep for a few hours. I still believe it or not today have a fever, and the meds are still making me sleepy. I don’t remember my drive into work today, I just remember falling asleep at the wheel in the parking lot at 6:55am lol. Scary shit, eh? Lol
Then on top of it, I have two orders for soap. One that is actually paying but because of the crazy ass weekend and illness etc, I didn’t get them done! So now I have to do that tonight or tomorrow * sigh *. If I can get the one done, I might just be able to cover my shortage… I think. Or at least I’ll be one step closer to covering it. No steps closer to getting groceries though (. Tony you may want to reconsider coming up for Christmas, it might be better to stay where you are heh. Oh well…
I have no idea, if I’ll be docked for these last two days. But I have to assume I will. So the extra money I had for groceries this coming check is gone, and then some. I’ll have to figure out what to do about bills again. Thankfully the last check was full so I didn’t go behind on some of my other bills, which affords me the ability to make arrangements on some of my other bills, but still… The visit to the doctor was not covered because I have no insurance. Thankfully the doctor on staff that day knows me well and knows my situation. She argued with billing to make them lower the visit cost. But all in all yesterday’s visit was about $190. Thank god for my mother, (but it gets added on to my ever increasing loan from her * sigh *). Tack that onto the two days lost and I’m in the hole about $430. $190 of it I can pay later, but I have to make room for $240 in my budget somewhere. There goes the $110 groceries, and I still need to find a way to move $130 around just to make ends meet, so yea merry Christmas to me.
Ok enough with that rant.
Thank you Beth for the wonderful dark chocolate/orange truffles!!! They were such good comfort food this weekend!
*hugs to all*
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You are so welcome. And I love you too! You know that I would do anything in the world for you!
Muuuuse!! Why be you so hard to call? This is ridiculous, for serious. :P LOVE! Glad you had some excellent chocolate! :)
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