Today I reached up while gazing at the heavens and wrote your name in stardust. As I wrote, gently it filtered down over my arm casting a slight glow to everything I saw. Blinking sleepily I whispered your name and in my heart I knew you heard me. As if in a dream covered with the glow of a million stars I whispered my truth… I love you, and knew you understood.
~*~To Paint with Stars~*~
(I have no idea where this came from, but it is what I was inspired to write this morning. I hope you enjoy it *smile*)
I feel like I want to write today. I realize that the series known previously as Love Letters is I think all written out of me. But perhaps something new may come along.
Having written now two books and publishing my writing for all to see fills me with a sense of accomplishment for various reasons, but also reminds me that I need to write more. Writing for me is not just a tool of creativity. It’s my therapy. It’s how I write my hearts emotions good, bad or otherwise and open my soul up to taking more in when emptied. It’s also how I get rid of the poison that life and bad people inflict on me in any fashion.
Because I’ve not had inspiration as of late I’ve not written anything and the one or two times I’ve tried, it’s been dark depressive, sad. I don’t mind that, you can’t have light without the dark. But I do not want all my writing to be dark.
I always have random thoughts, snippets of things running around in my head. It’s funny I can watch someone talking and respond appropriately but the whole time almost like a stock ticker is random phrases that will appear and scroll across the “screen” of my eyesight. I need a brain recorder so that these thoughts (some are really good!) aren’t lost.
(Beware: falling thoughts may cause some damage :P)
What would I give to be in your existence, in your space, a part of who you are… What I would give to breathe the air you breathe… What I would give to see what you see as I stand next to you hand in hand. What I would give would be everything for the precious second of time to know eternity with you.
Do we forget that we are angels, once made of stardust and that once upon a time we all knew each other and lived in love? Do we on a level unknown feel the click when we look into the face of our friends, world and recognize that we are all part of it. That we ARE it. That we are… still… angels of stardust if only we would believe.
I told you your eyes were beautiful and you looked at me incredulously, wondering “My god, is she a lesbian?” I told you your hair was beautiful when next we met and you looked again at me wondering “My goodness, what could she possibly want?” And on the third chance our eyes did meet I told you that you were so very special and that no one should take that from you…ever. It was only then that you looked at me with the eyes of your heart and knew as you gazed upon my naked honesty, that I spoke the truth. It was then that you knew that I offered you love in the form of the seldom used kind word. And it was then your soul smiled. THAT is what I wish to see everyday, the light turning on and the warmth showing through the windows…beckoning.
Hold tight to that designer purse, walk with a stride that says you’re confident, you know what you’re doing and you have it all planned out. Realize in your heart that even at 47 you are still the scared little girl hiding behind the invisible wall of stereotype and façade. Realize too, that I see you and that I will care for your feelings, tending to them with patience and hope as friends do to make your garden of dreams grow.
And today a little snippet of light:
Brushed across the sky in cotton soft clouds the beauty of the day awaited me.
As the voyeur I watched the glowing orb kiss the softness of the night goodbye
Like the lovers tender embrace they danced and I watched in silence
My breath hitched in my throat, my heart swelling in time to the music of peace
This was my sunrise when I was four.
Etched into my heart when I allow it, it is my sunrise everyday
Today I give it to you too, that you may feel its warmth.
And because I can’t stop hearing this song, here for you today are the lyrics (listen to the song, it’s really good…)
Gregory And The Hawk - Boats And Birds
If you be my star
I'll be your sky
you can hide underneath me
and come out at night
when I turn jet black
and you show off your light
I live to let you shine
I live to let you shine
but you can skyrocket away from me
and never come back
if you find another galaxy
far from here
with more room to fly
just leave me your stardust to remember you by
if you be my boat
I'll be your sea
a depth of pure blue just to probe curiosity
ebbing and flowing
and pushed by a breeze
I live to make you free
I live to make you free
but you can set sail to the west if you want to
and past the horizon
till I can't even see you
far from here
where the beaches are wide
just leave me your wake to remember you by
if you be my star
I'll be your sky
you can hide underneath me
and come out at night
when I turn jet black
and you show off your light
I live to let you shine
I live to let you shine
but you can skyrocket away from me
and never come back if you find another galaxy
far from here
with more room to fly
just leave me your stardust to remember you by
stardust to remember you by
To all of you who read this blog. I know it is boring sometimes, funny rarely, and sad a lot. But I’m happy to share it with you who would hold the emotions I offer close to your heart. So today I send you wishes for a days worth of vivid sunshine, spectacular sunsets, and peace in your heart with your life. Thank you for sharing in mine…
"Who you are today is a product of what you did yesterday. Who you are tomorrow is a product of what you did today...make every second count!"
~Christie Jean-Baptiste

1 comment:
Aww, I'm glad you like that song [:. I listen to it almost every day, hehe.
<3 Kami
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