Your Primary Mythical Creature
Water Types
The main strength of the Water types is feeling. The second element indicates the most probable focus for this emotional expression.
Water with Fire - Astrologically associated with Cancer and the Fourth HouseChimera types are motivated to achieve and maintain emotional closeness between themselves and those they are close to. They are among the most outgoing of all the types. They have a strong sense of community, harmony, and cooperation. They are devoted to their family, whether this is an actual family or a specially chosen group of like-minded individuals. They thrive in company and are rarely alone. They find personal fulfillment in supportive, nurturing, and caring roles, but they emphasize self-reliance for all. They are intensely protective of those they love and are both perceptive and intuitive regarding their needs. They can seem at times to be in a world of their own because of a capacity for reflection. They are very emotionally expressive, which can seem like "gushing" to other, more restrained types.
Your Shadow Creature
Air Types
All the Air types have problems relating to irrationality and trust. The weakest element indicates the main focus of these problems.
Air and Earth - This shadow is unrealistic and judgmental, demands perfection in all things, and is hypercritical regarding imagined faults. They may be self-neglecting and a hypochondriac, or overindulgent and lazy. They may be plagued by vague fears that are products of their own imagination. Discrimination is poor and they may have difficulty telling fact from fantasy. They are closed-minded. While they are sociable, they can be superior, capricious, and manipulative. Imagined slights may become the rationale for recrimination, divisiveness, and an attitude of martyrdom. The biggest obstacle of weak Earth is to overcome self-centeredness and greed; the biggest obstacle of weak Air is to overcome prejudice and ignorance.
Take the quiz to see what magical creature you are
Today is an interesting day. Work has been rather boring. I hate to say it, I wish I could find something about it appealing but it’s just not doing it for me. I’ve been through with my work as early as one hour after arrival in the morning which leaves me 7 hours to do nothing… It’s hard to look busy for that long.
Thank god for the arrival of my new best friend Muse’s iPod. I can’t even imagine how I lived without this for so long! I’ve got two movies, 15g of music, and about 6 pod casts on here and I am LOVING it. The nice thing is I can wear it at work and be discreet. My left ear has the ear bud and it’s on almost the entire time. Music is so soothing to me. It helps keep my demons at bay, and keeps the child in me active while my feet are moving to the beat when I’m bored.
The other big addition in my life is the ever sleek, fits anywhere, looks good and plays even better Nintendo Wii. I never knew boxing could be so fun! I have tried tennis, golf, bowling, boxing and baseball. I am ok at bowling, horrible at hitting the tennis ball (but can serve like no one’s business), golf is eh… baseball is good. But boxing, oh my WORD, I love to box! For those of you who are not familiar with the Wii, you actually have to stand up and interact. The remotes are almost like second hands of yours. So when you box, you’re actually punching at the air (look out all those standing next to me!) It’s a great workout :P But it is also a way to let go of some pent up frustration :P
I also recently acquired some lovely new paints, metallic actually. They’re beautiful! I’m feeling inspired again to paint (though I’m afraid of the results… I’m no skilled painter that’s for sure) so that might happen this week.
And recently I became the recipient of a photo album just waiting eagerly to be filled with pictures and cards and the like all revolving around the “Once upon a time theme”.
So many crafty things I could do and not enough time to do them. Now that I’m back at work I suffer the same fate as the rest of us, having to fit all the hours of creative things you want to do in a space of 4-6 hours that you have available each day after work.
I’m also looking forward to this weekend. Google man and I have no plans except to stay at home and do some computer type things. It’s been nice to be busy, visit friends, have good food… But it will be nice to sleep in, lounge around in Pj’s or sweats, and not have to really DO anything except whatever “wants” to be done.
I admit though, I do miss having my work days be so casual and relaxed, at my own pace. *sigh
I’m quite tired today. I didn’t sleep well last week (running on about 3-5 hours per night average). On top of being sick the last three weekends now (this past weekend was the first weekend I actually “felt” good), now Google man is afflicted with the same thing I had. Poor guy, the viral intestinal sickness SUCKS. I hope it isn’t too hard on him as it was on Mrs. Virgo, Kyle and myself.
Ooh I saw the movie 300 last night. WOW, it was great. Not only was it a good movie but we saw it on the IMAX screen and WOW it made a difference! For those of you who like epic battles, fought with honor you will LOVE this movie. Caution though, lots of blood. As someone quoted “The blood should win an Oscar” (there was so much of it lol). Good movie though, I enjoyed it thoroughly.
And for those of you romantic comedy types, the movie The Holiday is also good (though I have to finish it still). I am a Kate Winslet fan and she does not disappoint in this film. Good to watch with friends or on your own with a big bowl of ice cream :P
It’s been an interesting two months. I’ve seen more movies, filled everybody’s desire to see more of me, and my desire to see more of everybody :P, gotten some pretty cool gadgets and had MUCHO fun. Even though I’m tired, I can still smile, and that is a WONDERFUL feeling.
Have a wonderful day everyone!
I wish for a smile, subtle, soft, ecstatic, full to grace your face at least once today. My heart reaches to you, my arms hug you, my thoughts are OF you.
You are a blessing to me everyday.
"When you know who you are; when your mission is clear and you burn with the inner fire of unbreakable will; no cold can touch your heart; no deluge can dampen your purpose." ~Chief Seattle
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We have the same primary mythical creature but my shadow is the Griffin, LOL. Thank you, that was fun!
It sounds like between the iPod and Wii you're having a ton of fun which you need considering how uninspired you sound at work. Is the Wii easy to use? I really want to try it but I'm scared it'll hurt my hands. Do you have to grasp it tightly?
Eeee cal! i amm soooo happy you're happy! EEEE and i loved the holiday too! i saw it two times in the theatres and two times at home :o... jude law was.... hot! hehehe.
>:D< love you
sweet dreams @};-
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