It’s a new dawn
It’s a new day
It’s a new life
For me
And I’m feeling good
Nina Simone – Feeling Good
It’s a new day
It’s a new life
For me
And I’m feeling good
Nina Simone – Feeling Good
“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.”~Sir Winston Churchill
Today's Affirmation
I give of myself freely and gratefully!
As I slowly, continually, learn about my life, my mind, my emotions (it almost feels all new since my cancer has departed). I have discovered with joy that I am truly coming into my own. It’s a slow process, full of starts and stops, but it is a process and I’m glad to be on the road of it. There will be more letters as I begin to address publicly the things I need to attend to. There’s a certain amount of responsibility in doing that I think…
Thank you all for the encouragement, you have no idea how much a small word or thought can move a mountain! Today’s first post is all about becoming. Read, enjoy, and have a WONDERFUL day. You are a blessing to me everyday.
Become More of Yourself Today
Life is on your side
Hold my hand
Together we'll find a way
Dearest daughter
You have a joy that lives inside
Become more of yourself today.
Trust that you are guided
Your spirit paves the way
Dearest daughter
Become more of yourself today
Count the stars above
You are the first chance of love
Become more of yourself today.
Life is on your side
Hold your own hand
Your intuition leads the way
Dearest daughter
Become more of yourself today
You have a voice that speaks inside
You need to listen always
Become more of yourself today.
Borrowed from: http://www.feminist.com/resources/artspeech/girls/jerrice.html
Yay for positive days! I am so happy that you're healthy and doing so well. It just amazes me how much can change in a year.
Been reading your blog. I am so happy for you.
It is an absolutely beautiful 90+ degree day here(Hahaha :-P) with NO humidity and its so nice to see you feeling so happy and confident!
By the way, Michael Bublee' does an awesome version of that song. Its one of my favorites.
love those words - thankyou xo
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