"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." ~ Ambrose Redmoon
All right, courage it is…
I will have courage to list openly my faults, and I will temper that with my strengths too.
~Losing (I am a horrible sore loser, especially at console gaming, pvp, etc)
~Hand/Eye Coordination (I am forever dropping things… truly. It’s so annoying)
~Math (Don’t get me started)
~Intelligent conversation (No, this is not a put down. What I mean to say is that I get confused easily, especially on topics I’m not well versed on… like government etc)
~Being less Judgemental (See my shadow self in my prior post here, for some good tips on this as it pertains to me
~Handling rejection (I will avoid it at all costs, because I can not handle it well at all)
~Handling my anger (yes, I am high strung, angry, etc. It’s why I always try to walk on the light side…)
~Avoiding depression (My glass is half empty most of the time)
~Saving Money (I usually don’t have it anyway, but when I DO I’m horrible at keeping it.)
~Letting go of big past hurts. (I really struggle with this one… in a lot of ways.)
~Being more cautious with new people in my life. (Also one of my strengths for various reasons)
~Tennis on the Nintendo Wii (Shockingly Google man offered this one. Maybe it’s because we played like 15 games of it and I won ONCE. But truly, the sensors were off… I went for every ball, and swung and swung … It must be the games fault :P)
~Going to sleep on time (But who wants to go to bed on time!!! So I still act like a child on this one, but … I’m forever young, so it’s all good)
So many more I could list…but onto the good things.
~Expressing myself (MOST of the time I am able to verbalize what I’m feeling in some creative way)
~Loving openly (Interesting eh since I said I’m judgemental? But I do love openly for the most part, however when I DO judge, I judge hard)
~Singing (I LOVE to sing… )
~Making Soap :P (SOOO fun)
~Hugging (Nothing better than a deep hug with a full heartbeat accompanying the warmth of an embrace)
~Kissing (well yes, I kiss with passion, there can’t be a BAD kiss when done with passion… ok well maybe but not MINE :P)
~Helping people find their strengths (There is no greater feeling than when you are able to highlight the beauty of a person’s soul)
~Listening to people
~Shining my light (On good days, I can almost envision the light inside me radiating out like a lighthouse beacon to all those who need it most.)
~Crying (Cleansing tears are always good)
~Feeling other people’s pain and helping them deal with it (I try, and I’ve been told I do well. Though it’s not as easy as people think)
~Passion (I have so much of it in so many situations.)
~Strong Character (Courtesy of Google Man who seems to think that I am strong in my character… hmmm)
~Laughing and being Goofy (Another Google man submission. He seems to think I’m good at being goofy. I have to admit; on a good day nothing can kill my smile)
~Motivation & Determination (Ok I have to cut google man off from his drink or whatever he’s smoking, because this one floors me. I’m motivated only when I want to be. To me motivation and determination are constant. But I applaud him for saying I have these… :)
~Being intelligent. (HAH! I’m being ordered to not comment on this one, and just accept it as it is. So with slight resignation I will shut my mouth :P)
Ok so I have 13 things I suck at, and 15 I’m good at. Hmm maybe it’s time for some change ;) So take some stock, what do you think of your faults and strengths? Be bold, be daring you know you want to :P
Most importantly though, be well today everyone.
You are a blessing to me everyday.
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You are definitely good at being goofy. Remember the days of "umm death"?! And then there's the night you almost blew my head off!
But I think formost in my mind, you are a huge source of strength and inspiration to me.
Kudos to you for today's blog, for it is in recognizing our weeknesses that we can overcome them.
From looking at these lists, I bet according to colour personalities that you are a blue! You are someone that should work with people, do something you feel very strongly about and change the world for the better.
This list shows how wonderful a person you are.
you have many of the same things on the same lists as I would have put down for myself!
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