Thursday, February 24, 2005

*Warning* Rant complete with cursing inside....

I sit here today at my desk so empty. I cleaned it out yesterday after yesterday’s events. I wish to god I had money because I would have quit yesterday. I would have walked out right then and there. I mean I’m hanging onto this job because they helped me get my apartment and they helped me sell my house, but it is THEY who now micro manage me and call it business. I mean in one breath they tell me how much they respect, trust and have faith in me. Then in the next breath they’re telling me I have to keep track of everything I do and how long it took, etc etc etc. I make $12/hour for Christ’s sake, could you cut me a little slack here? Then to see emails being sent around that the reason an appointment didn’t get set is because they were wanting on me to print the paperwork?!??! The documents hadn’t even been approved. Oh wait is that my job too? Approve documents, track their appointments, make sure all their paperwork is filled out because they’re lazy fucks, answer their phones, do their audits and listen while they yell because they’ve been sitting for so long cuz I’m buried, make their telemarketing calls because they have a god complex, do their implementation and take them blame when shit goes wrong because they didn’t care to provide me information and their contacts are just as bad and oh yes, can’t forget the most important one… Make the coffee in the morning. They track internet usage now, so I can’t even surf Utopia Skye which is one of the only three places I went on the internet. I could get in trouble fr posting this even but it couldn’t wait. I went home yesterday in the midst of another panic attack heart racing can’t breathe AGAIN. And you know when it started? When I got in the office. This has to change. I am sure that if I wasn’t seeking an increase in pay I could find better work that didn’t send me to my grave. This is just degrading and disgusting.. All this for $12 an hour???????

Beyond that my mother is worried for me as are a few of my friends…. At least those I’ve let in on the goings on in my life. I won’t post them here being a public forum.

I hate my job, and I’m not seeing too much else today worth anything in my life.

Random poetry...

With ear splitting noise the glass castle shatters
Still shackled to reality the little girl inside cries in her stone prison
Outside the reality called fiction crumbles away
Revealing a bleak world
With sense enough to think "what happened?"
She cries deeper sorrows for her life
Tears falling upon cold stone
While unguarded by the glass castle
Madness seeps in…

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This is 47

In my acquired wisdom I've accepted: 1. That it's OK to admit I like girly things 2. That it's OK I didn't post this ON...