Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Lillies vs orchids, Pendants, and Wicked Wicked Wicked!!

"There comes a moment when you realize that virtually anything is possible-- that nothing is too good to be true." -Kobi Yamoda

We need only remind ourselves that much of what we take for granted today was once considered an impossibility. For it is only after we have pushed past the realm of impossibility that the possible can emerge. May you always be aware there is no "m" in possibility.

May you be aware that you are loved beyond measure and a cherished blessing to me. Visit at any time.

May your day be filled with all things good,

So many good things to report, I just don’t know where to begin! Ok, breathe, start from the top…

So, in April I’m doing something I’ve never done …EVER. I’m going into the city to see the production of
WICKED! I’ll be sitting in Orchestra seating, listening to every bit of the show that I’m told is the best that even my MOTHER saw in 20 years. Then I’ll be staying the night at the Hotel Blake in Chicago, a 4 star hotel with all the amenities. And as if it couldn’t get any better than that, on Saturday 4-7-07, I will be going for the first time EVER to the Art Institute. Mrs. Virgo, and Kyle will be meeting Google Man and I for a days worth of adventures at the home of Art.

It’s also a very special day on 4-6-07, it’s Google Man’s Birthday. I am so excited for the weekend, for the friendship, for the fun. And I can think of no better way to celebrate Google Man’s Birthday than with friends and entertainment of the best quality.

I wonder though, if I’m more excited than Google man? Hehe, I have outfits prepared to buy, worries about my hair and makeup and all sorts of things I never worried about. “Girlie Things” I called them; things like playing dress up :P I can’t WAIT to partake of what I’ve starved myself of for so long. It should prove to be a most wondrous time!

On another note, the flowers I received the other day are in full bloom. The LILIES are gorgeous, making me sneeze but too beautiful to do anything about it. Why is LILIES capitalized? Well let me tell you, that involves the story of a kind man who didn’t want to embarrass someone, even though that someone was wrong.

When I got married my bouquet was all orchids; beautiful cymbidium (sp?) and princess Orchids. It was a cascade of flowers that was just as breathtaking as a waterfall, and it was hand chosen by me. So naturally, when the flowers arrived I oooh’d and ahhhh’d at that marvelous orchids in the vase, just waiting to open. Sure enough they did open, and they’re so beautiful! But as I was ever so gently told yesterday by none other than Google Man himself (I mean he would know right? He did buy the things :P) that the flowers in the bouquet were LILIES, and not orchids. So after my face flushed with embarrassment, I realized that I had thought LILIES were Orchids for 16 years because the florist gave me LILIES instead of orchids!

Well I suppose it’s never too late to learn :P

On another unrelated note, today will be a bit rough for me (maybe). If you can spare just a moment of your time, please offer up some strength and resolve to me. Nothing major, don’t panic, but rough…

And lastly, today I started the day with song. Bleary eyed at 6:30am, making coffee and fumbling about, I started song. Soon enough the music wove it’s strands of magic in to the start of my day and I think, today will be a good magical day of song.

I’m happy to share it all with you today.

I wish today that not only does song swirl about you soothing the savage beast ;) but that also you find a place of peace today. Find a place of love. There is no greater feeling than that of love and joy. That is my wish for you today that love and song abounds freely surrounding your cares and diffusing the bad ones while enhancing the good ones.

You are a blessing to me everyday


I got my pendant yesterday from Sacred Suzie! It’s beautiful! I wear it now and I swear I can almost feel the love, intention, and energy put into it’s creation. Thank you so much Suzie, it is LOVELY.



Anonymous said...

ahh I am so happy that you're doing well *big huge hugs* :* :* :*. you'll have a lot of fun in april!! I've never seen Wicked so I can't help you there, but the Art Institute is awesome!! At least the ones here hehehe. You'll have a ton of fun. I loove you >:D<. OH, and the flowers are beautiful <3.

Suzie Ridler said...

I am so happy that you have received your necklace and can feel love and inspiration stirring inside you, I can hear it also in your writing voice. Yay!

As I wrote on my blog, I can't keep the names of flowers straight at all either. I'm just happy to see your life is so full of blooms and happiness right now. See how much better things are from less than a year ago? You're coming into your own.

Libra Moon said...

Happy "Woman's Day" Me Lady!

Celebrate the Light within...

May your Voice of Song
your Energy of Life
your Vision of Creation
Flourish and Shine

Enjoy the Day!
Libra Moon

Unknown said...

I took myself to see Wicked in NYC last fall before I moved away and it was worth every penny. IT IS SO GOOD!
You'll love it. Can't wait to hear your review - and which song is your favorite!

This is 47

In my acquired wisdom I've accepted: 1. That it's OK to admit I like girly things 2. That it's OK I didn't post this ON...