True Colors Personality Test
"I am compassionate. I am always encouraging and supporting. I am a peacemaker, sensitive to the needs of others. I am a natural romantic.
I like to do things that require caring, counseling, nurturing, and harmonizing. I have a strong desire to contribute and to help others lead more significant lives. I am poetic and often enjoy the arts.
I value integrity and unity in relationships. I am enthusiastic, idealistic, communicative, and sympathetic. I express my feelings easily."
Your heart-felt communication style creates peace and harmony in the workplace. You know how to bring out the best in others. As a Blue personality you are gifted with tremendous people skills.
You're a heart felt communicator who has a strong need to make a difference in the lives of other people. This strength is immediately noticeable in the way you make connections and bring out the best in those you encounter. People usually feel relaxed and comfortable in your presence.
You love to build self-esteem and make others feel good about who they are. You can easily motivate and inspire people to make changes in their lives and reach their potential. This natural talent makes you excel as a counselor, teacher, social worker or journalist.
Thanks to Suzie’s Sacred Space for that wonderful link!
I have a doctor’s visit today again. These doctor visits don’t sound so scary now that the surgery is behind me. The trepidation I feel now is simply over being weighed each time I go. I’m nervous now that despite eating less than I used to, it isn’t enough. I had a very good few days this weekend of overeating and indulging in sweet vices. Will that kill the scale? I haven’t been walking as much on the treadmill but I’ve been walking around my apartment even more than normal. Will I still be too sedentary for any weight to be shed?
I have a problem with my weight. It was born out of a desire to not cheat on my husband early on in my marriage, because I knew that I was not as happy as I could be. It may sound stupid a reason but it was more important to me to remain faithful and despite the fact that I never, ever have cheated on another, I felt that I was so miserable I would have let go of my morals if temptation proved too much. I can actually HEAR myself telling myself this was what I was going to do. And so I did. I won’t bore you with the rest of the mundane details of how the initial weight gain continued through life issues (i.e a heart condition, and more) but suffice to say, that one thought led me to a different course in life; one of weight gain, and some misery.
I used to not be able to talk about it, but one of the benefits (if there is such a term) of going through a life altering ordeal is that you simply do not care anymore about telling things that once seemed so important and depressive. I do not throw my personal affairs about lightly mind you, but as much as they may still depress me, they aren’t the shadowy skeletons hiding in my closet anymore.
The trick is now, since it’s in the open to set it free. I do not know how to do this despite my best efforts to try. So that’s where I am. And today on the verge of a doctor’s appointment that for the first time doesn’t hold life threatening diagnosis fear, I’m left with this quiet awareness of the biggest (currently) key point in my life. I don’t know what to do with this awareness but to hold it and be aware of it. I haven’t found the path to take me towards the completion of this issue. I still keep trying, but maybe you have some ideas?
How do I release the fear that gripped me so much that I wanted to become invisible and thus took a very beautiful woman into a path of darkness and weight gain?
A very personal question I know. One that perhaps I shouldn’t throw about my blog where the public can see; but well, perhaps too…I should.
I hope you are all well today.
Today on this blustery Chicago Thursday, I wish for you to have awareness about something that is a part of you that you feel defines you. I hope for you to be able to look at it, examine it and seek either help or answers to help complete it in you. I wish you strength to look at this clearly without the mask of fear or upset. For those of you who do not think you have any such thing, then I simply wish you strength should you ever come across something like that. And as always I offer you all my love transmitted across these wires through the digital screen.
You are a blessing to me everyday
You've got to say; I think that if I keep working at this and want it badly enough I can have it. It's called perseverance. ~ Lee Iacocca
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Looking for the key...
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Its important to induldge a little, especially after everything you've been through this past month. Don't be so concerned about the number on the scale but more with how you feel. If you're feeling more energetic its a step in the right direction.
Oh, and I'm blue too!
Much love being sent your way, today and always!
I am Gold and Green. Conventional and a problem solver :P
You're a reliable organizer who can be counted on to implement other people�s ideas and get the job done. You are extremely organized, detail oriented, and self-disciplined. You are the maintainers of society who are best at following through and implementing what others create. You make sure that every 'T' is crossed and every 'I' is dotted. You are self-motivated and usually prefer to be behind the scenes keeping things running smoothly.
You love to serve others by helping them take responsibility and be accountable for their actions. For this reason you are attracted to roles such as manager, elementary school teacher, and police officer. got one thing right...police officers are hot with their handcuffs....:P
Mr. Uber
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