It has been a fabulous weekend. I know I know, it’s Tuesday, technically not the weekend anymore. But I’m still smiling from it all the same, and it was SO good it’s taken me two days to type up just how good it was!
It started simply on Friday, with some out of town company. I wasn’t so sure I could handle company being in recovery still. You’ll be happy to know that after all I was ok up until Monday. So the better part of the weekend wasn’t destroyed by pain, nausea, and sickness until then (yay!).
Then it continued with my company and I consuming a mass quantity of sushi on Saturday. You heard right ;) Yours truly went OUT and had sushi. Saturday turned out to be the highlight of the weekend. Nothing, absolutely nothing can make up for going outside for the first time after being cooped up for so long in your home… and trust me I LIKE being inside my home a LOT. The fresh air was invigorating, the company was wonderful, and meeting Mrs. Virgo for sushi is ALWAYS a good time.
Then after that as if that wasn’t enough, my company and I discovered the place known as ColdStone Creamery (thanks Mrs. Virgo… I’ll have to pay you back somehow ;). Oh my GOODNESS!!! I have just one thing to say about that place… It was FABULOUS. They have an ice cream called “Cake Batter” that I kid you not is just like cake batter. We gorged ourselves on many different types of ice cream not being able to decide which flavor or combination we wanted. We were like kids in a candy store all giddy about all the possibilities.
Our “server” Scott, was wonderfully full of energy so that made the experience so much more than just “going out to buy ice cream”. They even sang when we tipped them! It was a riot!
We got a huge container of the cake batter with sides like brownies, graham cracker crust, white chocolate chips, and Reese’s peanut butter cups. Then we each got a side dish of ice cream. Being ever non decisive I got banana, dark peppermint and sweet cream with real peanut butter as a topping, while my company got cheesecake ice cream mixed with strawberries and cherries. We spent the rest of the evening literally trying all sorts of combinations, toppings and blends. YUM
Now I realize this place may not be new to you, but due to money, health and otherwise restrictive issues, I haven’t been out in FOREVER let alone gone out to spend money and indulge in a sweet vice. I had no idea this heavenly place even existed! Thanks Mrs. Virgo for the heads up ;)
Then Sunday my company and I had a huge breakfast and lounged around all day. Towards the end of the day we got out the tools needed to make soap! We made about 15 bars of it (trust me it’s very easy to get carried away when you’re having fun). I’m sending my company home with tons of good for you soap without chemicals. Oh and yes, my company was male and yes he made soap too and yes he enjoyed it (or so he kindly says ;).
All in all I spent the weekend thoroughly enjoying my time back in the real world. It’s a place I don’t visit often as I spend my time lately in game, sleeping, or recuperating. I had forgotten just how sweet a place it could really be with the right ambiance, company and ideas for fun.
Thank you Mrs. Virgo for meeting us and adding your insightful funny conversation and laughs to our sushi fest. Thank you Arandar for dinner, all of your help this weekend, and for making this weekend seem like something out of a Christmas movie… a wonderful gift :)
It was very nice to feel special and cared for. I am grateful.
PS. I had the usual sort of negative thoughts this weekend. Meeting someone new can be frightening especially when you’re not in tiptop shape. And so when I received this daily OM today, while not apropos for the post itself, it is a reminder of how if not managed, our negative thoughts can be in the way of joy…And how we can correct that.
Curative Attentiveness
Being Aware Of Your Thoughts
Few people enjoy the company of individuals whose attitudes are persistently negative. Yet many of us tolerate the critical chatter that can originate within our own minds. Since we are so used to the stream of self-limiting, critical consciousness that winds its way through our thoughts, we are often unaware of the impact these musings have on our lives. It is only when we become aware of the power of such thoughts that we can divest ourselves of them and fill the emptiness they leave with loving, peaceful affirmations. Many people, upon paying careful attention to their thinking patterns, are surprised at the negativity they find there. But when we take notice of involuntary thoughts in a nonjudgmental way, we initiate a healing process that will eventually allow us to replace intimidating and upsetting self-talk with positive, empowering thoughts.
While the occasional downbeat or judgmental thought may have little impact on your contentment, the ongoing negativity that passes unnoticed can have a dampening effect on your mood and your outlook. When you are aware of the tone of your thoughts, however, you can challenge them. Try to be conscious of your feelings, opinions, and judgments for a single day. From sunup to sundown, scrutinize the messages you are feeding into your subconscious mind. Consider your thoughts from the perspective of a detached observer and try not to judge yourself based on the notions that come unbidden into your mind. Simply watch the flow of your consciousness and make a note of the number of times you find yourself focusing on gloomy notions or indulging in self-directed criticism.
As you become increasingly aware of your patterns of thought, whether positive and negative, you will gradually learn to control the character of your stream of consciousness. Endeavor always to remember that the images and ideas that pass through your mind are transient and not a true representation of who you are. In training yourself to be cognizant of your thoughts, you gain the ability to actively modulate your mood. The awareness you cultivate within yourself will eventually enable you to create a foundation of positivity from which you can build a more authentic existence.
Today, I wish for you, the ability to have a sweet bowl of ice cream. If you can’t have that, then I wish for you to feel arms around you in a hug. If you can’t have or find that, then I wish for you to have the ability to close your eyes and for one moment find a small thing (any small thing), that can give you a smile. Laughter is the best medicine so they say, but a smile born of joy, can warm even the coldest or loneliest hearts. May you be warm today :)
You are a blessing to me everyday.
“We will make people happy” ~ The Cold Stone Creamery culture.
Now how nice is that, just one simple directive… to make people happy :)
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
The weekend of Sushi, Ice Cream, & Soap dreams :D
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So happy to hear you had a nice weekend AND that you discovered ColdStone Creamery.
My Mom lives in the Atlanta area and took me to my first one when I was visiting her -- it is SO GOOD but you're right - it's not the place to be if you're indecisive!!!!
Did you know that they make ice cream cakes too? My office got one for someone's b-day once -- heaven on a plate.
I'm so glad you finally felt like getting out of the house. I LOVE Cold Stone.. there's one right up the road. See, yet another reason you need to come visit me! And they do have excellent cakes. We had 1 for Jordan's birthday this year.
And just think, right now its 70's during the day and 40's at night! Perfect!
There is no place quite like a Coldstone Creamery! I'm so glad you've discovered them, no one should have to live without a Coldstone!
Uhm, this male company may need approval...especially if he's "making soap". Clearly you need to IM me as soon as possible. :P
Rival to Cold Stone is Maggie Moo' have to try their Cinnamoo w/Heathbar if you ever get a chance.
My philosophy is that everything looks better in life after a bowl of good ice cream
Oh, how utterly FABULOUS that must have been! We need this kind of decadence every now and then. We release endorphins which makes us want to be alive. The body responds to these rare treats positively.
Sounds like you had the most amazing weekend Lady M, I'm so happy for you.
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