"We each have the choice in any setting to step back and let go of the mind-set of scarcity. Once we let go of scarcity, we discover the surprising truth of sufficiency. By sufficiency, I don't mean a quantity of anything. Sufficiency isn't two steps up from poverty or one step short of abundance. It isn't a measure of barely enough or more than enough. Sufficiency isn't an amount at all. It is an experience, a context we generate, a declaration, a knowing that there is enough, and that we are enough." ~Lynne Twist
Quotation is taken from page 74: The Soul Of Money
Don’t forget to light a candle… make someone’s day, offer your heart in prayer. It takes only a moment to allow peace in.
The path was written by the map of the tears she shed…
Velvet sands between my toes, Sapphire blue waters lapping at the shore, Fresh salt air all around… There is nothing quite like the sanctuary I’ve held near and dear to me for some time now. It is a very special place reserved for only those who posses the ability to see without sight, hear without sound, and touch with only their heart. I’ve been blessed in my life to share it with three thus far. Many know of it, but only these three have been party to the intimate descriptions and feelings that are shared when this place is spoken about.
There is some kind of magic that hangs suspended on every word when I breathe about it in spoken reality. I do not understand it myself. My skeptical nature (yes believe it or not I am!) tells me I’m full of it sometimes, but how can one have this beauty inside and “Feel” it and “See” it and experience all that it has to offer simply on a planted visualization? How then? If not magic?
I am stuck today in that place, that sanctuary. My heart is heavy and missing those I have shared it with, but it is a bittersweet sadness, because I know they are there whenever I need them. They’re in my heart, where the sanctuary resides. The map of which is written only in the stories that tears carry, spoken in the quiet whispers as they brush across my face. Each teardrop slipping, sliding down my cheek carries with it the emotions and expressions of each moment shared, or dreamt of.
I reside there today, in the sanctuary because it is my peace.
When I’m there today, I’ll lay the blanket down over the velvety sands and sit warming myself as I wait for the telltale pink beach umbrella to appear telling me they’re close. I’ll write as I can, I’ll sing every moment I can, and maybe by the time my spirit is lifted again, I’ll see them and we can hug and all will be grounded, centered and blissful again.
As an update on my condition: I can return to work this Monday. The infection is getting better, so is the wound, but it still needs some work. So I can only go back part time but I can drive and go back now. Additionally I only gained 5 pounds with the holiday and several people visiting me. That’s pretty damn good.
And last thing. Loreena McKennit’s New CD: An Ancient Muse is pretty damn good. Pick it up if you like her music, it’s an intensely stirring, intoxicating brew of magic and mystery as only she can brew…
The Understanding Underneath
Experiences With Multiple Meanings
Though we humans are self-aware, we nonetheless cannot distance ourselves from the world around us and have a natural tendency to ascribe meaning to all that we experience. The significance we perceive in our experiences is rooted in our observation of patterns as they relate to ourselves. One situation has the power to teach us about life because it exposes us to something unfamiliar. Another touches our emotions deeply by enabling us to see how fortunate we are. Yet our initial impressions of an experience may not wholly reveal the true significance of that occurrence because our full response to an experience is like an onion with many layers that all have disparate meanings. Consider that a sunrise may stun us visually while simultaneously evoking memories of childhood and reminding us that each new day is a rebirth.
If you take the time to examine your experiences closely, you will discover that your original impressions may only be a part of a larger story of significance. Peeling away the layers of an event or incident can be a fun and interesting process if you allow it. To begin, relive your experience in your mind's eye and from multiple perspectives if possible. Your interpretation of any situation is based not only on facts but also on feelings, beliefs, and your values. As you ruminate upon your experience, spend a few moments contemplating how you felt when it began and how your feelings had changed by its end. Ask yourself what abstractions, if any, it awakened in your mind. If an experience stirs up questions within your soul, it may be that in striving to answer them a new layer of meaning may reveal itself to you.
The significance of an experience may remain hidden to you for some time. The meaning of an event can change when viewed from another context or may only become apparent after intense meditation. An incident that seemed superficial may unexpectedly touch us deeply later in our lives. If you take a truly open-minded approach to your examination of each new level and do not shy away from revelations that could prove painful, you will learn much about your relationship to the world around you. And the refined impression you glean from your experiences after contemplating their significance can add a new richness and texture to your life.
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