Today's Affirmation
I choose to think and act from Love.

Late one night a long time ago, I met this woman. When I first saw her with her long brown hair and skinny body (at the time I was only slightly chunky) I wasn’t jealous at all, instead I felt strangely connected to her. We began talking about a number of things. We talked for hours extended our visit long into the night. When we parted I knew I had seen a kindred spirit. But what I didn’t know was that years later we would be friends just as good as we were the very second we met. I had no idea that this woman with her gorgeous hair, beautiful face and open heart was someone who would not only make footprints in my heart, but would also stand by me too; not disappearing from my life as so many people do in our travels.
I interviewed that night with a small company by the name of AND (Authorized Network Distributors) and Mrs. B in AZ made such an impression on me that for 5 months after I didn’t get the job, I called regularly because I knew the company was good and that I wanted to work with this woman. It turns out to be one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life to date.
We’ve laughed together, we’ve cried together. We’ve had our own personal issues with one another. We’ve seen each other through marriage, divorce and the renewal of discovery of love. And when one couldn’t stand (namely me recently) we’ve seen the other stand taller to hold me up. There is no greater triumph in life than to navigate the storms of friendship like we have done.
Now, we are separated by thousands of miles but our friendship is just as strong. It weathers the turns and potholes of life just as any pro, bobbing and weaving perfectly. We sometimes go for months without talking and pick up the phone with just 5 minutes to spare and feel as if no time has passed.
I am grateful for this friendship and today on this day of her birth I wish to say with all my heart and soul, I love you Mrs. B in AZ, and today SHOULD be a celebration for you, because there is none like you. And I for one am grateful that your light has been shown in my life. I wish you all the love you desire for the rest of your life, all the light you need in times of dark, and all the shoulder you should ever need in times of strife. I am here for you just as much as you have been here for me.
I send out thoughts today over and over and over to you of love. Because that is the path I wish for you always.
I love you my friend, Happy Birthday!!!
Happy birthday Mrs. B! I know from the Muse that you're one of the best friends she's ever had and I hope you have a birthday worthy of such a unique person.
Mr. Uber
Thank you so much, you literally brought tears to my eyes. You are my best friend and believe me, you've given me far more than I could ever hope to repay! I'm so glad you came into my life because I truly don't know what I would have ever done without you. You have been my strength and my rock so many times. I LOVE YOU!
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