"It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day-to-day basis." ~Margaret Bonnano, American writer
"Growth begins when we start to accept our own weaknesses." ~Jean Vanier
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler." ~Henry David Thoreau
Today was a day of good soul food and friendship love. I cannot explain what it is that those who are truly my friends do for me. But in their own unique way, from the comments on my blog, the messages on the forum, the posts in other forums, the emails, the calls, the visits, the love; each one of you has played a distinct role in getting me to a place of peace today.
Today for the first time all week long, the demons of torment are quitee and humbled in the corner by how much light has suddenly burst forth from my heart. It’s like a white cocoon that has suddenly without warning enveloped me; and I am grateful for it. I wade in this light like I would wade into healing waters of rejuvenation. I am so grateful for it today.
Thank you Marc, for your EXCEPTIONALLY moving letter. Thank you Ceige for your CONSTANT messages on the forums. Thank you Suzy for your posts that are always uplifting in response to my hardships and delights. Thank you Jules for your messages that always make me smile both in my blog and in my email (I am so touched by your offer of a marathon race, etc… that was so wonderful). Thank you Kami for your candles that you continue to light. Thank you everyone who donated, for the money that you offered. Thank you to those folks in game who have supported me, offered words, and even time in game to just sit with me. Thank you MJM for all you have done for me and continue to do for me through this. Thank you Mrs. Br in AZ for your unfailing support, love, financial help, understanding. Thank you to Walter for listening when perhaps I shouldn’t have spoken at all on Monday. Thank you Abnir for being the friend I needed when I needed it the most. Thank you AG for being patient with me when perhaps I was a bit distraught. Thank you Cray for your words of support and love over the years. Thank you mom for everything. And last but not least thank you today in particular to Mrs. Virgo who yet again has shown me through just her presence alone that indeed angels walk among us and they call themselves our friends.
To those I didn’t specifically mention do not think this a bad thing; remember that your name is on the lips of my heart, being spoken in quiet whispers soothing my mind when I need it the most.
This is all I am about today, is this light, and gratitude. May light, love and peace be yours comfortably and perfectly as they are mine today too.
You are ALL blessings to me everyday.
PS. Thank you too to the company who makes Yellow Tail Reisling (from Australia), I intend to partake of your sweet wine very soon in celebration of the above mentioned gratitude ;)
Where You Need To Be
Timing Can Be Everything
Since human timetables quite often do not correspond with universal timetables, it's common for people to feel that life is progressing too slowly or too quickly. We draft carefully composed plans only to find that they fall into place when we least expect. Or, conversely, we are thrust into roles we believe we are not prepared for and wonder how we will survive the demands imposed upon us by unfamiliar circumstances. When delays in our progress kindle pangs of disappointment within us or the pace of life seems overwhelming, peace can be found in the simple fact that we are exactly where we need to be at this moment.
Every person fulfills their purpose when the time is right. If you have fast-tracked to success, you may become deeply frustrated if you discover you can no longer satisfy your desires as quickly as you might like. Yet the delays that disappoint you may be laying the foundation for future accomplishments that you have not yet conceived. Or the universe may have plans for you that differ from the worldly aspirations you have pursued up until this point. What you deem a postponement of progress may actually represent an auspicious opportunity to prepare for what is yet to come. If, however, you feel as though the universe is pushing you forward at too fast a clip, you may be unwittingly resisting your destiny. Your unease regarding the speed of your progress could be a sign that you need to cultivate awareness within yourself and learn to move with the flow of fate rather than against it. The universe puts nothing in your path that you are incapable of handling, so you can res! t assured that you are ready to grow into your new situation.
You may feel compelled to judge your personal success using your age, your professional position, your level of education, or the accomplishments of your peers as a yardstick. Yet we all enjoy the major milestones in our lives at the appropriate time-some realize their dreams as youngsters while others flourish only in old age. If you take pride in your many accomplishments and make the most of every circumstance in which you find yourself, your time will come.
I love you
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1 comment:
I love you, Muse. I am so proud of you.
My thoughts, prayers, and love will be with you on Monday.
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