I haven't been posting on Poetry Thursday for a few weeks due to my diagnosis, dealings with, and surgery to remove cancer. Today's Poetry Thursday topic isn't one that resonated with me all that well (although i'm SURE I avoid a ton of specific things). So I sat and sat and thought what the hell will I write about! While this poem isn't about period avoidance for writng and styles, it's about how my poems avoid all the rules (mostly) as they're expressions of my heart.
I hope you like it, I think it's nice, light, and devoid of sadness :) That in and of itself is a plus.
Be well everyone, and thank you for reading this :)
The Rules
For some the rules are about rhythm and cadence
Like little soldiers the words march in straight lines
Rising and falling, little breathes of life
Singing to our ears…
fOr sOmE tHe RuLeS aRe AbOuT gRaMmer
and punctuation divine, following form providing a pattern
pleasing to the eye
easy to tolerate the chaos of life when sent with proper grammar
For some it’s the count
The five, seven, five, rules of words
And that makes their poem
For me while I sit on my couch
Laptop balanced precariously on my chest
I think hard, and breathe hard, and strain for the idea to present itself
To dance across my page with spectacular brilliance
Offering insight inspiration or perhaps understanding
But all I can say, write, offer
Is the words from my heart
Painted on this digital canvas in no form
Without proper punctuation and in no structure
The chaos of life is my rule
Expression is my teacher
My heart is the messenger
Maybe just a diversion…
A break from the tedium, the rhythm, the punctuation, the talent
Sort of smelling the roses, in a digital way,
To make you smile.
Monday, October 16, 2006
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In my acquired wisdom I've accepted: 1. That it's OK to admit I like girly things 2. That it's OK I didn't post this ON...

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I too write what comes from my heart, many times it rhymes, other times it doesn't.This poem speaks to me, I love it! Great job!
Very Neat, i like it :)
I found order in your poem which I greatly need today, not regimentation, just enough order to beat the chaos back for a little while. Thank you.
Sometimes I read a poem and struggle endlessly to find meaning or sense to it. Othertimes times its open to varied but sensible interpretations. And every once in awhile the poet speaks as if they are reading your mind. Your poem does that for me...Like you said clearly and succinctly what has been in my mind for a long time.
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