We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves. ~Francois de La Rochefoucauld (1613 - 1680)
With every experience, you alone are painting your own canvas, thought by thought, choice by choice. ~Oprah Winfrey (1954 - ), O Magazine
Ways to Volunteer to the Many Blessings Project:
3. Step into the Circle of Blessings. Every day at 12 noon, Greenwich Mean Time (7am CST During DST, 6am Otherwise in CST), we invite you to stop whatever it is you are doing and spend three minutes blessing the world. For that brief span of time each days, simply close your eyes and mentally connect with others around the world as together we visualize a peace-filled and prosperous planet where harmony, joy, love, beauty and abundance abide. Imagine a world where everyone is blessed by the presence of everyone else. Just imagine how beautiful such a world would be. http://www.mayyoubeblessedmovie.com/
Many thanks first off to Mrs. Virgo. She took my literally by the hand and filled me with all sorts of healthy nutrients and supplements this weekend. I am now taking a large does of Omega 3, and all sorts of other things. She helped me find and get my Homeopathic remedies for so many things, and boy do I feel good!
It has been SO long since I took the things that I know are good for me. I’ve been doing some small amounts of things, like a one a day, and some other things. But to truly feel my best, I need so much more.
I have to find a way to reorganize my budget so that I have more towards buying the things that are healthy for me to eat. That’s the only way I’m going to re-do my eating habits. I’ll spend more time trying to move things around to do this.
I’m really excited to get healthy. I’ve been doing ok with weight loss. Had a major shift this past few weeks and gained quite a bit of weight (13 pounds!!!). SO I’ve spent this week working my buns off to lose that weight in anticipation of the outfit I want to wear for the Theater this Friday. So far I’ve lost 8 of it. But before you get too excited, remember this is weight loss from a weight gain. Once I lose this weight, I have to keep going!
I’ve done some recalculating (serious recalculating, not guesstimating) about how much I want to lose. I have a goal of 155 pounds (based on my height and bone structure) but I will accept up to 180. That’s quite a bit of weight to lose. (no I wont tell you how much :P just know it’s a lot). In any event, I’m motivated today. I feel like I could go right now and buy a ton of good for me stuff, meditate, pull my daily cards and goddess cards and be fine. The problem is I’m NOT motivated when I get home. I notice my motivation comes during the day, and always when I can’t do anything about it (i.e. at work). So I need to find a way to either prolong that motivation, get some quick results to add more motivation or find a way to utilize the motivation when it hits so it’s not wasted energy.
Thoughts? Ideas?
Also as for the items listed above (the quotes) I fully intend to do exactly what she said. Everyday at 7am (I start work then) I’m going to bless the world. I’ll allow whatever thoughts of whomever, wherever, worldwide to pass through my mind and hopefully many others will be doing it too. If nothing else, it will start my day off right. I need that.
In other news, your favorite muse is very very very tired. I haven’t been sleeping well and it’s been wreaking havoc with my emotions. I’ll be spending this week trying to recoup some sleep so that for the weekend I’m not a walking zombie. I was so tired on Saturday that my muscles, and my bones ached. Not just ached, but I was so bone weary that poor Google man spent the majority of the night massaging my legs and back and neck just so I could move! I’ve only one other time felt so tired and trust me I don’t want to feel that tired again!
And lastly, I received a key for the game Lord of the Rings Online. I’ve activated that and am going to try that for a bit tonight as I relax and wind down. It will be the first game I play where I’m not the “lead” of anything, but am just a player enjoying a game.
Oh! And one more important thing I forgot! Mrs. B in AZ is getting married!!! She’s asked me to partake of this joyous occasion by being her Maid of honor! I’ve never been a maid of honor and am petrified. Imagine me, trying to straighten her gown and pulling it off because I’ve pulled too hard, or pulling her backwards making her lose her step. EEK! I have all these visions of trying to help her get ready and doing something clumsy like poking her in the eye or something. Is it normal to be this scared? All kidding aside though, I am honored to be asked to do this and I accept it wholeheartedly. I will be doing my best to lose some weight so that come May or June of 2008, I don’t look like a pig stuffed in a blanket and instead look like the goddess I truly am. Wish me luck in this!
Today I wish for you to get healthy! Take an extra vitamin, drink more water, do something that makes you feel good. And I’ll be right there along side you cheering you on!
You are a blessing to me everyday
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So worried and already off to a great start! And don't worry, you are already a goddess!
Liked the post. I am so thrilled that you are motivated! I am cheering you on as well as on the same path as you! First person to lose their first 20 lbs from today buys the other lunch and a Jamba Juice!!! HUGGGGGSSSSS and much love to you!!!!
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