Excerpted from (Heart Chakra Clearing); Chakra Clearing by Doreen Virtue Ph.D.
I’ve had the recent fortune (or maybe misfortune) to be without my iPod for several days. You have to understand, my dependency on this iPod is nothing short of addiction. :P It keeps me sane at work. On very slow days I have one ear bud plugged in listening to an audio book on “Shenpa”. During lunch I watch an episode of Heroes, or a bit of a movie (my latest movie watching is the Thomas Crown Affair). On my way too and from work, I listen to all kinds of music; some light, some soft, some hard, some fast. So being without it has been difficult. Think about poor google man as he and I ( mainly him), work tirelessly to fix this infernal contraption… pray for him, he’s discovered this muse’s angry side :P).
So today, I had some free time on my hands during lunch. I had forgotten about a book I had stashed away in my purse for just such an occasion and with some joy, pulled this out today and sat outside in the brisk air and sunlight to read a chapter or two on chakra cleansing.
I have always been someone who has lived in my heart chakra. This is a good thing, but as the old saying goes “Too much of a good thing is also a bad thing”. Living too much in the heart chakra produces emotions/actions such as: fear about giving or receiving love, relationship addictions and obsessions. A “dirty” heart chakra will look dark forest green in color as opposed to the bright emerald green of a clear chakra.
Well truthfully, my heart chakra has been a forest green for some time if I go by these standards. I carry some baggage around of past hurts and such. And as a true Virgo, I hold on to these memories and such using them as a “Learning lesson” of what not to get involved with again. The problem is however, that in keeping those memories close, I keep the pain fresh. In other words I never… let… go.
So finding the silver lining around the broken iPod, I have to say today was a good day to find this book. At lunch today I read a bit and then I meditated for almost 15 minutes doing a meditation from the book mentioned above to clear my heart chakra. I can’t say it’s a miracle or that I feel 100% better, but I do feel clearer, relaxed, and hopeful that maybe if I return to these routines (I used to to do them daily) that I might just do some good for myself.
Chakra clearing, it does a body good.
I can see the marketing now. Picture anyone, with the associated color of the chakra around them (instead of the typical milk lip). Might be a good marketing tool ;)
In any event, here’s to some good clear chakras today everyone. May your chakras shine brightly too.
You are a blessing to me everyday
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