The quote in my previous post is credited to “Anonymous” just so you don’t think I wrote it or something. The picture I’ve put the text on is a picture I download from Stock Exchange, a site that for the most part allows royalty free image use (Some pics require notification, this one… did not).
Monday Monday…
Where to being? Well it was a glorious morning in that Crony started at 9am today and “S” didn’t come in until after 8am. What a difference an hour makes. If you’ve read my “Jellyfisher Alert” post, you know that Crony has been listening to how often and how much I type for god’s sake. It’s official this place is officially a dive lol. Oh well lamenting my issues with my current workplace wont change it now will it?
Well I went over to Mr. R’s house last night more out of obligation than anything. I was supposed to see him Saturday but I’ve been off and on sick this past week and I was very busy (shocker, I know!) so I was behind and as such stayed home instead. His house was nice, decent size. But I have to say the interior was a shot straight out of the movie “The 40 year old virgin”. I kid you not, even down to the entire wall of monster toys and comic books. Apparently he’s big into comics and monsters. Talking with him is a bit like listening and peppering the conversation with my snippets whenever possible. Also he’s got this way of speaking that sometimes can grate on one’s nerves. But overall he’s nice and gentlemanly. When he hugged me yesterday he hugged me a tad bit longer than normal and so I (being a typical virgo) brought up my expectations again, “I’m just seeking friendship blah blah blah”. He understands of course, but I wonder if by even talking with him if he thinks something else…
Mr. Bongo Boy (also known as mr. M) called yesterday. I’m not sure if I should return his call. I had a decent time at coffee with him, but I do not think I wish to do it again. What’s proper etiquette here? Anyone? Lol
Last night I had a swirl of thoughts running through my head. I went to bed with too much on my mind and as a result couldn’t sleep. I was up every hour until about 4am when I fell asleep for one blessed whole hour before I had to get back up for work *sigh*.
Sometimes I wish I could just put my brain on digital download at night or like Dumbledore in Harry Potter, have a penseive to place my thoughts in. I write some of my best poetry, stories etc at night just as I fall asleep. And they never get written down… A shame really since my inspiration these days seems to come and go like the elusive sunny day during a rainy season.
Some snippets of random thoughts from me today:
The vast corridors of my heart echo with the footsteps my soul places in them.
The secrets I have inside under lock and key while known to some have even deeper sub-chambers, known to none.
When sadness clings to your throat like the proverbial knot filling you with inability to speak, how is it possible to have your heart speak a thousand words?
Bits of Random Poetry from me today:
(yea so I had some and then I erased it *sigh* how does one write when all you think is that you write shit).
I’m in a weird state today. I shall end this blog with that statement. Well wishes are abundant, but they struggle to the surface to be spoken. Today, instead they are whispered silently to all. My secrets and deep feelings are what are on my lips today and they must be kept secret, therefore they won’t be posted in this blog.
And remember:
Voici mon secret. Il est très simple : on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.(It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye)
~Antoine Saint De Exupery; “The Little Prince”
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