So much to write today…
When did it become acceptable to have someone work from home when sick? Let me back up I have quite a few days worth of writing to catch you up on.
Saturday 3-18-06:
I had a date with Mr. M who promised me some bongo playing while he read my poetry. He also promised me he would write a poem when we met about us meeting. He delivered on two of the three things. No bongos were harmed during this date ;)
His poetry was nice, truthful, honest. He was nice to talk to. He held the door open for me and was a gentleman. He’s definitely a bit out of the ordinary which was nice to see. Perhaps we’ll speak again. We’ll see.
Sunday 3-19-06:
Birthday Party for Ms. B who turned a magical 5! She looked radiant in her pink dress and the party was a smashing success. It was nicely small, refreshingly intimate and the food was delicious! Thank you Dana, Kyle and Ms. B for a wonderful time *smile*
Sunday on the way home from the party, I was feeling a little tired since I hadn’t slept too well the previous night (I think I got about 2 hours sleep the previous night). I was looking forward to just laying low and sleeping for a few thousand hours lol. However my phone rang and Mr. R was on it talking about wanting to go out and get out of the house. After some hemming and hawing I decided (a few hours later) that I would indeed go to dinner with Mr. R. So as the night progressed, I found myself getting showered and ready for a second date. Two dates in 16 years WOOT! Go me!
I met Mr. R at a little known sushi place near my home. He greeted me with a handshake and a big smile. We talked for about an hour and a half while we munched on sushi. He was very nice to speak to and even followed up with asking me out again! We shall see what time will bring.
By the time I got home I was truly exhausted so after a few calls, I went to bed. Here’s where it gets really interesting, or well at least where my anger begins.
Monday 3-20-06:
I woke up feeling a bit woozy and nauseas. After trying unsuccessfully so to get dressed and get out the door for work, I finally sat at my computer desk and closed my eyes. That’s when it all began. Immediately I ran to the little muses room and discovered truly what food poisoning was like.
Oh no! S is out golfing! Who will process the agent orders! Who will call the repairs! At that point as the porcelain god became my good friend, I could really care less. However, not entirely without an ethical conscious I called in sick, but told them I would check voice mail as I could but that I had food poisoning and was very sick blah blah blah. Food poisoning as you know (or may not) is not treatable by any medication. They want you to get it out and fast. Trust me you’re all too happy to oblige. However, they do say water and rest because your body is really put through the ringer. I’ve only had one other bout of food poisoning in my life and that was MAJORLY painful. This wasn’t painful so much as sickening.
In any event, between running to the bathroom a journey which could seem like hours long, I was answering phone calls, making phone calls, and juggling calls between my home and cell phone. This went on all day. It got to the point where I was afraid to leave my computer because I had to order something or respond to something.
At one point I had a conference call going on my home phone (a feature that costs me to use it each conference call I make) and I had a call going on my cell phone the battery of which was dying. And my call waiting was going off with Crony calling from the office to send me my email. It was RIDICULOUS. In short I never ONCE rested. I finally had to tell the people on my phone (S and Mr. P) that I had to go. S had to go because her golf instructor was calling; I on the other hand had to get sick AGAIN. I didn’t make it.
These are the things that really upset me today. That and I came in today and have been working since 7am. I tried to eat today and well lets just say that didn’t work. But because S is on her little vacation (one of about 20 these next few months alone!), I will not be sent home.
I know this is more a rant than a funny blog but I never promised you gales of laughter each day. I only promised you MY reality and my reality right now is pretty angry.
I could care LESS about a customer who can’t get DSL service. I could care less about an agent that HAS to have pricing this morning because the meeting is in the afternoon (and agent who has been documented to NOT sell what we offer anyway, but use our quotes as a stepping stone to further selling someone else’s stuff!). I could care less about ANY of the bullshit that goes on in corporate America. I gave up caring about that back in 2001, when corporate America gave up on me.
The problem is I have to get paid. And no one is interviewing me for any other jobs so until I can get another job, find a very rich man who doesn’t mind big women, or find someone into philanthropy who believes in my writing so much they throw 45k my way so I can live without a job for a year, I’m screwed and need this job.
So I guess I’ll make friends with my porcelain god’s relative, the work porcelain god, and make sure everyone in the office hears the lovely sounds of retching today. Share the love I say.
Well Wishes…
I truly wish everyone well today. I just don’t have the capacity to verbalize it to you all *hugs*.
And remember (just how I feel right now):
It takes 42 muscles to smile, so instead put up your middle finger andsay bite me in a bitchy tone!
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