I’m in a much better mood now. I do have one thing to say though on the Duke Scandal… I can’t find any reference to it anywhere now when I scan the news sites… Interesting eh?
The redemption factor of where I work. Her name is simply: Mrs. Fashionista. She makes this place tolerable. We were out at lunch today chatting it up about Crony and the other hens of the office. It’s so fabulous to have someone that understands. (And yes, she is saying these things to me… I’m not speaking to her about them. These are her observations ;) ).
The incident of the potato chip is one such incident that was just out of control. “S” Brought chips into the office for a lunch of hot dogs and such. I know better than to even open anything in the office despite them saying “Oh go ahead, that’s why it’s here”. Yea, right… I know better now. Anyway, “J” opens the chips (I didn’t know this at the time) and I saw them open later and though cool, I’ll have a little bit. Two days go by and yesterday Crony says to “S” when “S” says we have hot dogs for lunch today, Crony says: “The chips are ¾ gone, someone got into them”. And with that she glares at me while I’m copying an order at the copier.
What the @$#% was that?
Before Mrs. Fashionista could get in the door of the office yesterday (looking fabulous in a crème pantsuit with spiked heels no doubt), this little incident was spilling off my lips to her as I stood outside angrily glaring at the parking lot.
Today God Love Mrs. Fashionista and “J”… “J” brought a new bag of chips and spoke of making a wanted poster with his face on it, holding a potato chip. He still swears he’s going to “Bring in about 25 fucking bags of chips and put them in all the filing cabinets”. Hooray for office support!
DAMN my chips today at lunch NEVER tasted so good as they did today while I grinned foolishly. My stomach will thank me later I’m sure, but for the moment it was worth it… every last chip.
Today I’m trying to think up ways to pick up the office boredom from absolute bang your head against the wall if only so you have to clean up the mess after you shatter your skull, to the tolerable level of mundanely trying to look busy. I’m running out of ideas. I even read the news… ME. I read all about Al Qaeda, Bush, and of course the gossip on all the celebrities. Speaking of which, did you know that some artist in some town made a statue of Britney Spears naked giving birth on a bearskin rug and he’s calling it a Pro-Life piece of work?
Hmm, I’ll have to cook on that one for a while. Luckily the picture doesn’t show her from behind. But I did see enough to say “Yup” it sure does look like Britney Spears.
The worst about being bored is I lack creativity enough to create fun exercises. I once made an entire word puzzle thingie out of the word “bored”. And a few times I’ve written some poetry. Heck I even wrote Digital Soup at work lol. But I have no writing inspiration as of late and the hens are rabid around here lately so I have to watch how much I type because I think they’re counting my keystrokes lol. Any ideas? I’m up for anything to pass the time.
OOOOH I found a few sites with all these personality tests! Yay, more test to tell me just HOW messed up I am in comparison with the real world!
Ta ta avid readers of my drudgery I’m off to find out if I’m a HOT kisser! (After all enquiring minds DO want to know that I’m sure!)
Well Wishes
Oh hell today I’ll wish for all the fabulous blogwriters of the world to get more inspiration so they write more so I can read theirs instead of boring you with mine :P
And remember:
The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is that one often comes from a strong will, and the other from a strong won't.
~ Henry Ward Beecher
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