Life is good…

Well today is Friday and that alone is worth a smile. It’s been a few days since I posted so this may be a long one, I suggest coffee or at least something with some caffeine ;)
Old Age
Man it’s creeping up on me. I know, I know you’re saying “my god, you freak , you’re only 34!”. Yup but I just noticed after the fifteenth time of trying to enter the damn word verification to post a response in my OWN BLOG, that I wasn’t able to see the letters. Either that or the system was bugged (please let that be the case). But either way I could not for the life of me get the letters right so I had to remove word verification *sigh*.
It was the computer, honest… it wasn’t me that made the mistake ;)
I’ve been thinking how to cleverly and humorously post the doings about my job lately, but as much as I try all I smell is wood burning when I try to hard. So here it is, a work rant.
On Tuesday I was sick but came into the office. All week long I’ve heard the grumblings of people talking about me. No, I’ve not heard anything directly, but you know the feeling when people were *just* talking about you but stop when you enter the room? Yea, I know that one too this week.
Waiting for Julie to come in has been my only relief. She’s wonderful and such a joy to be around. She manages somehow to keep crony off my back.
Wednesday when I was in and on the phone at lunchtime (I’ve resorted to going to my car at lunch so I’m not bothered during my lunchbreak because no matter what if I’m sitting at my desk it’s like open season…). When I come back in Julie tells me “What happened here the other day?” Perplexed I said huh? Lol She said “well Crony mentioned at lunch today that When all hell broke loose Monday…” I sighed and related to her how “S” had been golfing and I had been out violently ill with food poisoning or some type of bug. And I followed that up with, but I worked from home ALL DAMN DAY. So whatever about “Hell breaking loose”. So the impression that is passed around the office is of course, that I did nothing Monday. Nice huh? I’m glad I work in a small place where they respect you… Where nepotism doesn’t suffer the stereotypical problems that one would assume it would right? /sarcasm off.
So here we are yesterday at the work “Christmas party”. This party was had because back in december when it was originally scheduled it snowed so bad that no one made it except people like me who were afraid not too and spent 3 hours getting there…
A table of 9 is set at this wonderful restauarant (the food really IS awesome), but it’s run by “J’s” sister’s son. So the whole time everyone is talking amongst themselves and I’m just sitting there.
I’m no wallflower lol believe me. I have no problems jumping in when there is an opening but save for a very few times, there just wasn’t one and on top of it, the torture continued as I was seated next to crony. Man could the night get any worse?
I went home fairly early (thank god) and spent the night chatting with some folks on yim. Then about 10 or so I sat on the couch just changing channels for a little bit when it hit me…. I was sick… AGAIN. All night I struggled not to get sick. Then I start worrying ok what’s wrong with me? The only thing I can think of at this point is food allergy. I still don’t know. But do you think I’ll be telling them that their precious cousin of so and so nephew’s aunt’s brother’s kid’s food made me ill? Hah, right.
The long and short of it is that again, I’m ill and I’m at work. No one here gives a shit, they just notice that “C” worked Monday with a sore throat and “oh poor thing she has to go skiing Sunday and doesn’t want to be sick”. Right…
On the dating front there hasn’t been too much activity, though I will say I’m seriously tempted to post an email I just received yesterday. It was just too much. I read several blogs lately and some of them are all about this topic. Here are some of the best lines:
From Mrs D:
Some women and men just don't get it. *IT* being basic social ettiquette. I am not even sure some can be taught *it*. I wonder why as human beings we create so much drama about things. I also wonder why we are so thoughtless. I know God gave us free will, but did he have to give us such loser characteristics? I mean, what is that all about? I guess this means that we have to gut a whole lot of fish before we find one worth reeling in.
Ms. R:
I'm not looking for perfect grammar but how about using spell check and punctuation sometime? And nothing is sexier than a grown man writing like an 8th grader, i.e. "how r u? i think ur pic is hot!" Please, is it too much to ask that you compose a decent sentence using nouns and verbs instead of consonants and vowels as words? Oh yeah, and telling me how sexy I look in my pic will really get you in my pants. Seriously.
The Fish:
I honestly appreciate when men at least go to the pretense of making a date if they’re after some nookie. And frankly, if he can’t be bothered to make a proper drunk dial (or fucking spell out the word y-o-u), he’s likely to be lazy about a whole bunch of other stuff.
If you catch my drift.
Perhaps I’m being fussy. But I’m a sucker for some finesse and a little bit of sweet talk. I mean, is it really so much to ask to be treated like a girl? To be handled with just a little more care than say, the guys in his Fantasy Football league?
God, I hope not.
And to the guy who says, “I didn’t clean up my apartment because I didn’t want to put up a front and make you think I was cleaner than I am.” I say, put up a front! Be cleaner, be nicer! Allow me at least a few good months of ignorant bliss.
Because by then, you’ll probably be farting in bed and a little mess will be the least of my grumbles.
Maybe people can take lessons from those folks, because I sure understand what they’re saying. And just because I’m feeling Ornery today, here’s a copy of the email that I received yesterday.
Hello am M i am a native of city, state well i am a native of city, state i am divorce with a 10 years old kids which name is R but it was unfortunate that my dad is dead about 5 years ago and my mom and i is left with our faith but that does not make me stop my hard working. i am XX years of age single and looking for an honest lady well my friends describe me as a honest man with a lot of heart, that likes to have fun. i am self employed art and painter so I work alot when I have time I like to go to dinner, movies, performing arts, sporting events renting movies, walks in the park, and relaxing at home and watching football. I'am not in to going to bars that much, so it's hard to meet new people, if your not out that much. I would like to meet someone that is self starter has goals likes the better things in life, honest likes to laugh and have fun. Always friends first. About myself, honest, heart of gold, I love to do for others, like to try new things, and all the regular things pls dont hesitate to mail me back and it will be my great pleasure to recive ur yahoo instant chatting ID u can as well contact me direct on yahoo instant chatting here is my yahoo instant chatting ID (withheld)
All I ask is that you take the time and actually show me you give a shit about me and what you’re trying to convey by using spell check, and/or having a friend proof read what you’re sending.
And another:
Im So happy We Can talk now ' Your so Wonderful Sweet Kind And tender And I Love Knowing Your In My life To Share and Talk With I have Need That for a very Long Time , I need The real love In My life So much All The Good Things ' And here Is Some Pictures For You Hope That you Like Them (SMILE) From J "
What have we known each other for years? Have we dated for years? I don’t even KNOW you.
I want a relationship, truly I do, but I won’t rush one. I’m not looking for a quick fix, and I know that I’m looking for someone I want to take the time with to cultivate a solid relationship. When is it that we’ve lost what dating and courting was?
Maybe I’m just too old fashioned. I mean don’t get me wrong I’m not talking going through Victorian courting rituals, but please treat me like I deserve some respect. Spell, Grammar, Ask don’t assume, and never try for just sex under the guise of love. You won’t get it with me. I may have little self esteem, but trust me I KNOW I’m worth more than that…
I am on my second interview today (phone) with a company that is just moving their corporate offices to Chicago. Their web address is and I would love people’s opinions on this. Let me list out my scenarios.
Pro: The company is small, has good integrity and business practices.
Con: They’re located in Chicago (I know this isn’t a big thing for some, but as most of you know I’m petrified of the city and train expense is at least $139.50 a month, and we wont even talk about the TIME needed to get to work on time and get home…)
Pro: full benefits package including 401K, tuition reimbursement and a pay increase of about $10,200 (I think, at least, I’m not sure until I talk to them, but that’s the range anyway)
Con: Half of that increase will go to further travel costs, and clothing costs, something I’ve not had to worry about. In this job I will be interfacing with customers and so I will need better clothing.
Pro: The job has the “potential” to become a work at home position in the future.
Con: potential is not the same as definite. Even if potential is true, how long before we get there? Years?
Pro: The company has solid hiring practices and procedures in place to make sure they get quality people not quantity.
Con: the job is a 4 month contract to hire position. (I understand there is a LITTLE room for negotiation on this like maybe a 90 day notification clause, but I’m not certain yet).
Con: The job involves traveling to see clients.
Pro: if I can get past the “need” I have to be at my computer all the time on games, and get past my fear of flying and of not having money in an emergency situation whilst traveling, then this doesn’t have to be a con, but to start with unless those things are addressed, this is a con to the job.
So there you have it. For the most part this is what I’m thinking of. The second phone interview is today at 11:30am and if that goes well they want a face to face tomorrow in the city. I am going to tell them even if it does go well that I can’t do tomorrow (I truthfully cant’ I forgot I have to fast tonight, as I have a physical tomorrow morning that I can’t miss because I need the lab work back in time for my appointment beginning of April.) and that if they’re interested, I’ll need time to consider this and would love to get together another time. But I would really LOVE to hear some feedback on this from you folks…
Which reminds me I have to get up early again on another Saturday and what’s more I can’t eat tonight *cry*. That SUCKS!
Crap that means I can’t go out tonight with either Mrs. D or Mr. R. DAMNIT ! It was either to be sushi with Mrs. D or food and wine with Mr. R. Now I can’t do either! *sigh*. I’m going to go sulk for a while.
Today I wish myself well that I don’t kill someone while a. fasting and b. nurturing a fear of needles that I’ll have to overcome at 8am tomorrow morning *cry*
And to everyone else I send you all love and peace today, it’s Friday, smile it makes you look younger :P
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons because, to them, you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
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