"By the time a man is wise enough to watch his step, he's too old to go anywhere."
No, the above is not some kind of sexist statement. Believe it or not it was chosen to be the funny quote of the day, but after reading it (while awake this time) and thinking of some things going on I felt it was appropriate enough to be the opening quote of the day.
I read a WONDERFUL post on a blog just the other day. Oh, you didn’t know about my newly founded blog addiction? Yup I am HOOKED! This is like reality reading instead of reality TV! I try to post in the blogs I read and I’ve subscribed to bloglines (THANK YOU KYLE AND DANA!) so I can keep tabs on ALL the fabulous blogs I’ve been reading :P (And yes there are quite a few blogs I’m subscribed to)
But I am derailing my own blog *gasp*. Ok ok back to the topic.
Here’s the link to the blog in question:
http://nondatinglife.blogspot.com/ It’s the entry from March 7th called “So I was going through his mail…”
I suppose this is a bit of a rant and it may get long winded. You have my permission to not read this if you do not wish to but I wish you would :P.
I’ve been in a relationship with no trust. I know what the above blog’s emotions bring. It is for this reason that communication and trust are paramount to me in ANY relationship, off line or on line. It’s even more important online where you do not have the benefit of sight.
For example take the basics of the above blog post…If you read his mail (even if it’s simply there and open for you), you do not trust him. The same is true of your words. If you tell someone else that there may be something there between you and them, then the person you ARE with already does NOT have your heart. There is no if and or but about it.
What is it about people’s egos, thoughts, ideas, or whatever that gives them the right to make a choice easier by making it harder on the people they’re choosing between? I mean, if you’re not sure about person A, for whatever reason then don’t tell person B to stick around because you might have a change in your life. That gives person B hope and online hope is far more horrible a thing to experience. Make your decision about person A, focusing your energies on person a until you DO make the decision, especially if you think there are feelings of love (whether real or not and that’s a whole other debate).
It’s ok to let person B go from the relationship thread where they currently hang dangling waiting on you, while you focus on your EXISTING relationship. If things are to work with person B, then THEY WILL. You do not SHOULD NOT have to force it.
MAKE A DECISION you fence sitters, this isn’t the Jerry Springer show, it’s a reality show called REAL LIFE… Live it!
/rant off on relationships
Now I’m onto another rant. Why is it that we hurt people so much?
Why is it that when we get married and say “I do” when talking about sharing other’s heart and soul that when that marriage goes away we say “I don’t” and go about scheming to think of ways to hurt the ones we just shared our soul with?
We all know I’m no stranger to divorce and yea I’ve been pretty vicious in my hurt and anger with my words sometimes. But neither myself or Mr. Ex EVER did anything to each other during the split that would cause the other pain other than the pain of course we already felt. Sure Mr. Ex made mistakes in our marriage, so did I, though far less grievous mistakes, we both nonetheless made mistakes. I hold Mr. Ex responsible for his mistakes and myself responsible for my own. I’ve hopefully learned from them and will use those going forward.
But that’s not the point. The point is that people who are hurt and sad will always lash out at someone. I’ve seen countless divorces where the husband uses the kids as leverage. Or the couple spends thousands LITERALLY in court costs dividing up property publicly because they’re going to take their toys back since they’re not sharing anymore.
Isn’t it enough that the relationship itself was lost? Focus on what’s important. If things don’t work out then fine, work out your demons, move on and look back choosing to see the lesson learned. Isn’t that what all of life is about? Why does it not apply in matters of the heart?
I found myself telling a friend of mine on Friday to be careful of her actions because I just knew that her soon to be ex would use her actions against her (even painting a story of actions that don’t exist of her just to get back at her). I felt awful having to even say it to her. But it had to be said.
I get that the world is not fair, people are mean, and life goes on… I just wish that maybe we could look at the big picture sometimes and really realize that even the bad things can be good things and can help you grow if you look at them right. Additionally I just wish that people would treat each other well especially those who we once upon a time loved…
Well I don’t have any funny snippets of email from responders to my ad. I mean I barely have any responses. Lol What I do find funny though is that of the now 10 people who’ve responded, 5 of them have been older than me. I mean like 10-16 years older than me. It seems that my ad speaks to men who no longer think with their small head…
I say that not as a joke but truly. The other 5 people I’ve communicated with have produced two that I would consider going on a date with. Would have in the past that is. The first one is someone who I would welcome as a friend into my life, but he’s stopped chatting with me lol The second one I actually had a small measure of hope on.. Until he said: “I wish you were a wild woman”. “Oh”, I said “How do you mean?”. Of course I knew what he meant but I wanted him to say it and see just how shallow he was. His response: “oh you know that you were a nympho”. Well to quote some movie (if you remember post a comment and remind me of the movie title), “I can wear a cone shaped bra and act like Madonna, but it doesn’t mean I’m Madonna. In other words just because I placed a personal ad does NOT mean I’m a SLUT! Apparently somewhere this notion was stamped on to the online personal ad scene, that anyone that does place one must be looking for sex.
What kind of person says that to someone who they’ve just talked to ONCE before? I mean I know people I’ve talked to for three years that I wouldn’t say that too lol.
There is more to life than the almighty (let me remind you TWO SECOND) orgasm. If you HAVE to experience that often enough to get it out of your system you have MY PERMISSION to take care of yourself whenever as often as you like! But don’t put your problems on me! lol
The BEST part about this, is that my ad can’t be written more clearly. I mean you’re talking to someone who BREATHES communication right? Here let me give you some snippets of my ad.
My opening Line: What I’m seeking: I am seeking someone who can type, spell, and speak fluent English.
See why the personal ad in my recent post is hilarious now?
My second to last paragraph after I’ve gone through a HUGE paragraph explaining my likes and dislikes and what makes me tick. Additional helpful hints: I’m a modern woman, with old fashioned values and even some old fashioned expectations. I AM NOT SEEKING SEX. I am open to relationships and all that a relationship entails, but you must learn and share in my heart before you’ll come close to touching my body
WHOA I’m thinking the obvious has been overlooked by Mr. Horny. Oh well sad as it is that my hopes are dashed, life moves on and so do I without Mr. Horny. Ah well better luck next time.
Know any good men looking for a good woman? Lol I’m taking applications: D
OMG three pages and I’ve not even done the well wishes for the day yet *GASP*. Are you all still there? Do you need drool clothes to wipe the drool from sleeping off your chins? :D
WELL WISHES (In no particular order, though those that give me gifts MIGHT get brownie points j/k ;))
For Al: For continuing to stay in my life and share yesterday in some great happiness. I’m so proud you’ve moved on your own again. I send you LOTS of love and strength today for the times when you need it the most. You are so special to me *hug*
For Kami: I missed you this weekend *frown*, but I hope you had a good weekend and today because I didn’t see you I send you a triple dose of muse dust and love *smile*
For Dana: Keep the blogs coming, I love reading yours! Today I send you love, peace, and rest. I know you can always do with more rest ;) I want to go out with you this week or weekend if possible!
For Beth: I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU. Remember that, especially when things get harder for you and they will, with what you’re going through. I’m here for you and as such I send you support today along with thoughts of beauty, because you ARE beautiful.
For Aussie_Male: Many thanks for being there for me through my nightmares this weekend (To the rest of you, I withheld that because the damn blog was so long with my rants :P). It was nice to have someone to talk to when I needed it. Everyday you remind me what friendship is and I need those reminders. I send you hugs and friendship today.
For Mr. Quiet Strength: Congratulations on catching up with the world and creating a blog! I look forward to reading it as often as you post in it! Today, I send you faith and courage because I know it takes both to post your information for the world to see *smile*
For My Mom: XO
For Mr. Serenader: I send you peace today. May your headaches and sleeplessness go away soon.
And remember!
"Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to."
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In my acquired wisdom I've accepted: 1. That it's OK to admit I like girly things 2. That it's OK I didn't post this ON...

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Hi there. I get what you are saying in your post today. I know you know I do too :) People are not "awake" enough to even grasp their affect on a situation. It's so true what this old quote says," You don't know .. what you just don't know". This is why I want to get back into seeing a degree where I can practice Therapy of some sort. We need to wake the world up! I would hope to do this in a gentle and kind why of course :) I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and thank you very much for the shout out today!!! I am getting decent rest today. No sleep, but the day is mellow. Pease and love to you my friend. ~DanaXOOXOX
Thank you Cal *hugs* I hope you're doing well, love you [:.
<3 Kami
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