Yesterday I closed down the radio station. Utopia Skye radio has been around officially (this past December) for three years now. But its time had come to an end. It’s sad really, but it just seemed to pass quietly without so much as a peep.
Perhaps in time I will be on air again, or the station may come back. Who knows right?
Another thing that will not come to fruition is the Digital Soup book. I just don’t have the contributions for it. Those that did contribute worry not, your work will still be published, but it will have to go in a book of other things as well so we can get the most content possible. This book will house the digital soup section, Love letters section, muse chronicles, and a few other poems that I wish to publish. It will be a book dedicated first and foremost to the memory of Jessie, and secondly will celebrate the ongoing memory that Utopia Skye is. It will hopefully celebrate that for a brief moment in time people came together, formed something special, and created friendships that will last a lifetime.
It remains at this point untitled, though I’m toying with things such as :
Circle of Light Messages (A slogan Jessie and I coined)
Memoirs of Utopia Skye
Or something else… creativity eludes me at this moment
I am going to have a graphic artist create an image for the cover since I am unable to have others do it. This will be a unique image, something I will be paying for so that it will be one of a kind. The book will be hard bound to help preserve it. I hope it does well.
Short of maintaining the boards, and allowing for any new creative endeavors as they come up, this book will be my last large utopia skye project (barring any creative urges that is).
As for the radio, there are a few things I will never forget about it. Today’s post will be a reflection/celebration/expression of the things that *I* think the radio station did for the good for many.
1. The two very special Jessie broadcasts; Jessie went into two comas during her sickness. The first one, we truly thought was to be her last time with us. It was the first time it was let out publicly that she was ill and when people found out their sadness was overwhelming. So many people needed to talk, share, express, that I just didn’t know what to do to help them. So I went on air. We made a special Jessie broadcast that encompassed songs she had requested passed to me to play or songs that reminded us of her. Most of us that could, met in the Game the Sims Online and we just sat around talking, laughing, crying if necessary and just *being*. That night while I was on air, was the first time I let myself truly lose my professionalism and broke down in tears. During this time Jessie was in ICU and because they thought it was the end, they allowed her entire family in as one group along with the laptop to stream the station. The family just stood around Jessie and listened to me. Nurses, and doctors as the family told me would stop in and just stand with them and listen. And the culmination of the night for me in importance was that each and every family member of hers got on Al’s (Jessie’s fiancĂ©) yahoo ID and thanked me for the peace I offered their daughter/family. It was one of the single most important moments of my life in that I *KNEW* without a shadow of a doubt I had touched someone. The next day which was a Sunday, Jessie woke up from her coma. It was deemed a miracle. A little known fact about that day that I’ve kept fairly quiet is that a few weeks after this all, Jessie and I locked away in a house in Interhogan in TSO were discussing this event. In her own way, on her own terms she told me something very special. That while she was… asleep, she heard me. She heard my voice and my music and even as she felt she was being pulled away, she wanted to go to me. That leaves me with a wealth of emotion that I just can’t sort. Whether or not you believe in things such as these, I know she did and thus… so did I. This was a very special radio time for me.
All in all we had two of these broadcasts; both times she was in comas, both times when people needed to come together, share and express.
2. Embarrassing stories of the muse.; Who can forget the KFC Breasts story? Or the Butler and Pickles story? Those two stories as I’m told are legend around these parts, because they entail very embarrassing moments that I found myself in. On the boards to this day you’ll see posts and references in threads to both these stories and others that were shared while on air and online. Why you ask did I embarrass myself? Because it made people laugh, and that was worth it.
3. Dancing in the Circle of Light; One day in The Sims Online, I had been told that some folks were talking about me. It made me VERY sad. A group of people came to the circle of light where I was and through a night of just being with friends and such, a radio show was created that had us all dancing in game and laughing and joking. This was the show where the phrase “Hug your PC” was coined by Emma Dilorenzo, and the TSO Mambo # 5 was born. It turned out to be a wonderful day after all.
4. Skye-Mercials!; One day on a broadcast in I believe Calvin’s Creek in TSO, The wonder twins Emma Dilorenzo and my Sims were born (We had created almost exact look alike Sims when we created there, therefore we were the wonder twins). During this show we went around saying “Wonder Twin Powers activate” and had a huge RP based around our powers which were the ability to dip kiss people lol. I was on air at the time and during random songs, I would bust in using my very best commercial voice make commercials about the people on the lot. Anyone remember “An Emma a day keeps sickness at bay?” Or “Dimona Demolition, the ass that could break down walls?”. This was the humble beginning of Skye-Mercials. One of the wonderful DJ’s DJOmega (most know him as Shaun) decided to create commercials he actually recorded in MP3 format that were distributed to all the DJ’s to play during their shows. These commercials were: “Muse dust” – commemorating the fact that people were always so happy around me(as I was) that they must be on drugs, “Sylph Spray” – the refreshing non alcoholic all purpose cleaner and thirst quencher, “Tony Pyrotechnics” – celebrating our perpetual need to burn down Tony’s clubs in TSO using fireworks and pyrotechnics, “Muse Maid” – created after the muse dancing craze in SWG swept the server of Chilastra, "Shish's Obituary" - where we would commemorate the fake passing of Shish (supposedly at my hands :P), ami’s Room; Where things disappear” – where we commemorate … Kami’s room … where things disappear :P. Shaun was the official Skye-Mercial Master!
5. Jelly Belly contests; How many people went to the jelly belly site after the third broadcast of contests involving knowing what flavor Jelly Belly I was eating after hearing only a color description of it? Quite a few as I’ve been told :P These contests won afforded the winners the ability to name one person a jelly belly name resulting in Elindo (aka Shaun aka DJOmega) being renamed Elindoberry. It also resulted in many a sugar high for me as I would eat almost a full jar of Jelly Belly’s each show :P
6. RENAMED!; We have had the wonderful honor of producing the first ever rename the person contest. If for whatever reason I could not pronounce your name the first time it was spoken, you just *HAD* to be renamed. Participants in this contest that were where I was physically in game got to offer up 8 selections of names that they would like this person to be renamed to. There were two private votes also cast one by the person who was to be renamed and one by a special person unnamed, just to be fair to everyone. Oh the lovely names we came up with. Here is an example of a contest, and the names that were to have been voted on.In this example we were to rename: Ahtu (well you try and say it fast it sounds like a sneeze!) The available voteable choices were: frank, Alfalfa, Fluffy Bunny Man (FBM for short), Shaniqua, Neal, Griswold, Bob, Alucard, Mikey, and Matt. In Ahtu’s case he was renamed Fluffy Bunny Man. Here is a list of all the folks renamed:
Iaer - Bob
Uberjake - Herman Muffy Ochre Limpid Turps Cod (Herman Muffy for short)
Desare - Lakyle Half Wood
Makesh - Frank
Sinagh - Bella
Felyndiira - Ethel
viduus - TYRONE!
Brahndi - BILLY BOB!
Muireadach - Marry-A-Doc!!!
Cynleigh - Sinfull
Ce'Nedra - BETSY!!!!
Kairai - RALPH!!!
AHTU - Fluffy Bunny Man
Eler - Saaahhha
The last renamed contest was completed on 10-17-05
7. The all night parties where the line went on for hours; When the first radio parties were introduced via LdyThalia in Jolly Pines (TSO). People would wait for hours because my properties were always full. We ran many contests, had theme parties, role play parties and generally all manner of fun. We even had parties dedicated to people. I remember the Dana Kate party held at SIMply Weddings in Interhogan, that revolved around the lovely moaning noise the workout benches would make. Basically taking the noise and of course, expanding on it :P It was fun for all. As a matter of fact, that party in particular was the day I met and adopted Kami if I remember correctly. There was also a party in Interhogan at Club Utopia Skye, held during November of 2003 that started at 6pm and was an 80’s offbeat request only thread. It took dJ Dea HOURS to find and get the songs for the list that were put together by the party goer. But after that party another party ensued that continued on until AFTER maintenance the next day (8am). This means the party went from 6pm until 8:30am the NEXT day. Talk about fun (
And now to commemorate the DJ’s Past and present on the station:
First the original cast: DJSayurie, DJVortex, DJThalia, DJShade, DJAlexis
Second Wave: DJ Anthony Giovanni, DJSylph, DJKari,
Third Wave: DJ Dimona, DJEmma, DJLongfeather, DJTrance, DJDea
Fourth Wave: DJCray, DJEmma Dilorenzo
Fifth and final wave: DJZor Primus, DJBEnny (NitaKynes), DJInuc, DJDarvin, DJShish (or DJShit as most knew him :P)
Each DJ had their own personality, show, and style. Some moved on to DJ on different stations performing exceptionally well at their new endeavors, and some even went on to create their own stations. But I remember them all for the wonderful things they brought to Utopia Skye radio.
And now to honor those listeners who for three years, listened faithfully to us, through thick and thin. We never would have made it past the first year if it weren’t for you. You made us who we were. Thank you.
There were so many memories, things I’m sure I missed, people I may even have missed but I assure you while you may not have made it on this blog entry you have made it to my heart where the memory of you and your presence, or your gifts, or your time and dedication remains constant.
Thank you all for allowing me to experience a wonderful facet of life and sharing it with me for this long.
*hugs and kisses*
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