You know what irritates me? Incompetence. For example in the great telecommunications land, the phone Giant who shall be unnamed *Cough*SBC*Cough*, is full of this. Take for example this reject I received on an order I submitted to them. First before I break it down, let me say I am at fault here. I realize I made a mistake, but since when should that impede an order when the orderwriter has the right information in front of them.
I sent an order over to change where an 800# rings to. It’s supposed to go to some number like 773-267-2667. I typo’d and put lets say: 773-276-2776. Now I realize that’s my fault. But I referenced an order number that I did putting this 773 number in. I told them Point to (above listed number) see order number Nxxxxxxxx for details. She could have pulled the order up and saw the billing number. Instead she rejects my order which goes against our AD record. We have to have a 95% perfection rate on these orders. Every time we get a reject of ANY kind we get dinged. The order writers however, suffer NOTHING when they totally botch up an order. Its ridiculous! So she rejects this order and I can’t just call her and say “Oops I made a simple error”, I have to send her an email or she will completely reject the order so that I have to resubmit it. A process, which takes at least two days to get this order assigned again. This type of order takes 1 DAY to provision, but with waiting for assignment, rejections (if any), etc this process to change where a number rings to takes a FULL WEEK. So stupid!
I feel mildly better.
I kid you not when I say these affirmations are working. How might you ask? Since I just foamed at the mouth? Lol Well Anger is a part of life, that wont go away no matter how much I want it to. Affirmations just help me laugh a bit more or breathe a bit better. BUT all that aside, I noticed today that because I hadn’t pulled one I’m a bit on edge. Maybe it’s just me, or the fact that I didn’t wake up until 6:15am when I’m supposed to be LEAVING that did it. But I’ve been irritable this morning and things that are none of my business, or things that don’t normally affect me have me all irritable. I’ll have to change that.
Anyway off for now Ta Ta!
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