Life is only as good as the connections and memories you make a long the way. You my friend make my life good. ~Dana Hasselbacher
This morning on your way to work (or when you first get up if on a weekend) say a prayer of thanks for those friends in your sacred heart. Send them love and light to guide their day.
Monday, yuck… Well let’s see I had a decent weekend, peppered by an adventure of being outside on Saturday! I had the BEST sushi ever with the BEST company ever, and lo and behold today I again pull one of her quotes! Thank you Dana for an awesome day full of good food, good soul food, and fun :)
I’m tired today. I stayed up too late last night. My own fault I know but it makes me tired today heh. I barely remember the drive to work I’m that tired. Ugh and Crony is in today. *sigh* Well at least she’s still on a high from the cruise she was just on. As for work, well I wish today was a holiday, for sure! Wishes are great aren’t they? Lol
I wrote two poems this weekend. A fairly light one and a REALLY dark one. Kind of shows the balance I struck this weekend with my emotions. The expression however, was good and served its purpose.
Its funny, I had forgotten that I could actually be in front of people and be not only accepted, but also funny ;) At the party this weekend, I had a very small glass of wine to loosen me up (God I can’t remember ever needing that lol) and after that it was great. When people asked how I knew the birthday girl, I told them I didn’t that I was just here for the food… and that Dana picked me up off the street and cleaned me up to bring me… (har har). Then in seriousness told them that Dana and I met through work and our boss made the mistake of putting us in the same office together :P Then when they asked if we were at the same boss I calmly told them “No, we killed him” and that got some hefty laughs. It was nice.
I’ve never had a problem interfacing with people generally. I can remember at things such as my sister’s funeral. I had left to go get some food (the wake was all day…) and when I came back with Rob and a few friends, the place was packed with people who had arrived in my absence. I remember telling my friends I was going to “work the room” and I did. To this day, people remember me for my poise, grace under intense emotion and ability to make each person feel welcome and comfortable despite the situation. I know this example is extreme but what better way to amplify a point.
The point is: It was nice to be in my element.
But now, today I’m just tired, and I don’t want to be at work. I really need to find a different job. I know this may sound crazy, but sometimes its just easier to take the easy road and stay here at this job because they’ll forgive my mistakes (even though they may be hard in other TRIVIAL areas *Cough* remember the creamer? *Cough*). They pay me fairly decent all things considered. But I do not have insurance and that is paramount, and I don’t have any kind of savings etc. That is secondary to insurance but equally important. I don’t want to be 65-70 and having to work at McDonalds to keep their selective hiring quota up because I have no savings put away to live on.
Plus, believe it or not… I’ve been thinking I really want a house again. I know… crazy. But I really do. Being at Birthday girls party this weekend made me really appreciate the flexibility in design that one can do to make their place their home. I’ve not had that ever. She had a condo and it was VERY nice. I could do a condo and be happy. But as much as I get paid here, I do not have savings in the bank and I do not make enough to get a home loan. So if I am going to do that, then I have to change jobs.
As for the second thing I pulled today, here is my prayer and please forgive me in advance if I miss anyone. Know that even if I don’t post your name here, your name is on my lips in my heart and perhaps spoken in private so that your sacred thoughts are kept safe with me (
Today I send a prayer of good intent out to all those I call friend. That whatever ails you may stop, and light may guide you. That whatever issue crops up today is manageable and tameable. That you may in some way at least once today find some small ray of light to make you smile. That in every way you know I’m thinking of you.
Specifially too I pray:
That Kami has a good day
That Cray keeps smiling
That Dana doesn’t get too crazy with packing, new baby, and household stuff
That Beth continues to keep her strength about her for her decision
That Shaun knows that even though he called me this weekend and I didn’t call him back, that I got his message, love him, and will talk to him soon… and that he doesn’t do “too much” today.
That Mr. Serenader has a fabulous day off (did I tell you I hate you for that? :P)
That Mr. Quiet Strength is able to sift through the things he receives and see clearly who he should talk to
That my mom understands why I didn’t want to go to the movies yesterday and loves me still for not calling her. That she knows in particular I love her and wish her a beautiful day.
That Mr. Uber doesn’t spend his whole day in bed today, and that he also realizes at least once today how much someone cares for him and in some measure finds a unique way to reciprocate that.
That those I do not speak to as much as I used to know that I wish them nothing but joy and peace.
That my future love knows I’m out there missing his presence and hoping for it soon in my life.
That Tony enjoys his day today.
That Alice has a day of peace and rest and not too full of worry for her parents, new child, family etc.
That Gaius knows I’m thinking of him and wishing him well.
And that all those that I didn’t mention specifically realize they’re in someone’s heart being loved today…
That’s my prayer for now. It is subject to change and deeper elaboration :P But for now suffice to say I’m thinking of all of you.
Have a beautiful day
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