Friday, September 30, 2005

Friday and the ribbon of trust

Sigh…. Friday’s are supposed to be good days.

Today not only did crony show up at 7:30 (a full half hour earlier than normal) but she brought Sharon with her!  Sharon doesn’t come in sometimes until 9…  I look forward to my morning peace.  

I’m so discouraged by this (I didn’t want to be here today, but it’s payday… ) that I just can’t write a blog entry.  Maybe I’ll write more later

Random Poetry coming atcha (been a while for these eh?)
Trust, the ribbon that binds us all
Sparkling in rich colors of newness
Wrapping snugly like the tie that binds
How soon in one action does it become tarnished
Withered with age
To fall away discarded
Staring at the face of the friend I knew
Now the stranger unknown
Were you always there?
I must have been blind to think you were more honorable
The veil is off
The ribbon discarded
Trust, the ribbon that can easily be thrown away…


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This is 47

In my acquired wisdom I've accepted: 1. That it's OK to admit I like girly things 2. That it's OK I didn't post this ON...