Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Let's all go to the Cork & Screw! You know you want to ;)

Its funny today I decided that I was going to shut down my personal ads. Today I get a response from a very nice articulate 46 year old. He is on the edge of being in the acceptable range, but he was intelligent, respectful, and refreshingly honest. I went against my rule, and responded to him. Welcome Mr RDG to my world of friends. I’ve had only a few email contacts with him, but they’re nice. I enjoy them. Intelligent conversation is a wonderful treat nowadays. I live in a world of fast gaming, who loots what first, what color the item is and if it’s bind on pickup lol. (online gaming) Sometimes it’s nice to just sit down and REALLY think about what you speak. For those precious few folks I’ve met through my experience dating, I thank you for that. (yea, that’s like two people lol… I guess I’m lucky).

Moving on, I was never against anyone of any age contacting me, but I do not seek a relationship with someone who is too far in age from me. I think this is a normal thing to say. Too much age difference presents its own unique communication issues. 10 years for me as far as younger, is the max I’ll go. 12 years for me as far as older is the max in that direction. Why more on the older side you ask? Because men who are older (40+) seem to be (in my experience) wiser. They can still “let their hair down” and just as quickly be able to be men and be serious about life. They also think truthfully (mostly) with the larger head. That itself is key.

Since being out in the “wild” so to speak again lol I’ve come to some very important realizations. Some may be widely already known but for me they were eye openers. Here are a few of them:

  1. Guys MAINLY want one thing. They may want a committed relationship to go along with that one thing; but generally guys no matter how they get it, want one thing.

  2. There ARE exceptions to the above realization, but again GENERALLY if they are outside that norm, they’re either gay, divorced, or grown up enough (no matter the age necessarily. I know some VERY mature younger men) to realize that the old adage of having to “sow their oats” doesn’t apply anymore.

  3. Of those exceptions, no matter the reason they’re the exception; those people are generally very nice. Hats off to you exceptional guys. The few, the proud, the ones I seek friendships with. I’m glad I know you

There are so many more but who the hell wants to read a novel about my realizations that everyone has known since forever. Not me :P So onto greener pastures and hopefully better writing :P

And yes, to answer the burning question on everyone’s mind (or answer the question I THINK you all want to know) I have officially shut all but one ad down and that ad is just there because I don’t remember how to close it :P

I think that I’ve had enough integration into the world of reality for now. I have made a few contacts and will enjoy cultivating those friendships. If nothing pans of them; then so be it. I can still proudly hit my “I WIN” button because if nothing else I have made some friends.

About the cork and screw... Mrs. Fahionista at work (one of the only women I get along with in the office) took me to lunch today. She asked “S” about where that place was that we all went before… You know the “Cork and Screw”? We all had a good laugh at that since it’s called the Kerry Piper lol. But Mrs. Fahionista just is awesome and I laugh so much when with her. For those of you who have purchased my first book (YOU DAMN FOOLS! j/k), I wrote a poem about her because believe it or not she alone gave me inspiration one day.

Mrs. Fashionista is a woman who in her late forties, still wears stiletto heels and looks like she’s about 35. She is always put together and not just in appearance also in attitude.

When I was in my teens, I remember once being at a grocery store and seeing this woman. I never saw her face, but I’ll never forget her. She had jeans on and heels. She had long hair perfectly styled and she wore this red cape type thing. She was just so confident, sexy, and all I wanted to be. Mrs. Fashionista represents that person to me. Perhaps that’s why I like her. Or it could be her absolutely fabulous taste in humor, wine, and her definition of fun. Ok I admit, it’s also probably because she COMPLETELY understands my dislike of Crony and she not only understands, but she GETS IT. Lol. That is worth a lot in this office.

Hey guess what? Researchers say that if you don’t get more than 6 hours of sleep a night you will be prone to heart disease, obesity, and all sorts of health ailments. I wonder if I should get more sleep :P

But truthfully thinking about this, because of my work schedule in order to get a good nights sleep (8 hours) I’d have to be in bed by 9pm! Can you imagine? I’m 35, not 70… sigh. I think though, for a week I might give it a go. Wish me luck lol.

Ooooh and I forgot to tell you I’m on interview three with that company I told you all about. I’m meeting with the president of the company on Saturday. God bless my mom for taking me to the city. We’ll see what happens. Wish me luck with that too… My personality will win him I’m sure, but my body may throw the curveball that I can’t catch. Did I mention I don’t play ball well? ;)

Well Wishes:

Today I wish Dana, Kami, Mr. Serenader, Mr. Quiet Strength, Mr. Uber, Kyle, Ms. B, Beth, and my mom a wonderful day. I know it’s late in the day to post but the love is still the same for my family and friends (

And Remember:

The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.
~E.E. Cummings


A Virgo Writes said...

Wow long blog today. I was sad to see you are shutting down ads. It takes time to sift through a lot of people. I wouldn't think a ton of good things would happen through the personals right off the bat. I hope you give it a try again sometime. I liked you living in reality! I wish you well no matter what of course :) :) :) !!!

A Virgo Writes said...

Can I place an ad for you and sift through? I promise to catch a prince and not a frog! LOL

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the well wishes >:D<.

This is 47

In my acquired wisdom I've accepted: 1. That it's OK to admit I like girly things 2. That it's OK I didn't post this ON...