Wednesday, November 10, 2004

If music be the food...

The lights await to burn bright, to shine in my face. Dark expectation blankets the auditorium. My dress rubs against my leg the beads dragging slightly, as I shift slightly waiting for my cue. My hand reaches up nervously to tuck a stray hair behind my ear. Behind me I hear the stagehands whispering commands and the bleep of walkie-talkies. Nervously I wait…. And then the music starts. Smooth, mellow and all at once all fear drains away. I lose myself in the rhythm of the song before it even starts. All the practice, all the clarity on notes, none of it matters as the song entwines itself around my very soul. My mouth opens to sing the song as only one who’s felt the emotion can sing it. Lights turn on and the audience claps for the songstress who enchants with her voice. My lips part as each note spreads across the waiting audience. Deep inside she awakes… the one who is passion. She joins in my song and together we sing of love that has never been known. She rises up causing me the puppet, to move to her demands as she sends out her message of love. The crescendo arises and my head leans back to let the escaping cry of music escape, lowering forward after it’s release… My breathe comes shallow as I whisper the last lines and the crowd already on it’s feet applauds. The celebrations of a moment that people wish to experience wish to feel, wish to share commences. Eyes shine with tears and arms move in their haste to applaud. As the curtain falls as I raise my eyes to the crowd with a weak smile …. She has spoken, the passion known as Calliope my muse of beautiful voice. She has spoken and has been heard and this moment has been one of joy.

I had this dream years ago. I knew not whether I was famous or simply performing one number. But I knew then I was meant to sing. I’ve forgotten this dream. Today my muse reminded me… and so I sing my songs even to my audience of one. This is my passion, my dream and though it means nothing to you, it is everything to me.

Random Poetry comin atcha

Giving in to the moment my heart sways
Stuck in the daily life
My heart dances free
My soul shares the joy hearing the splendor of music
And colors bright vividly pulsate
This has spoken to me
This music moves me
And so music remains…the food of love
Shall we then… play on?

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This is 47

In my acquired wisdom I've accepted: 1. That it's OK to admit I like girly things 2. That it's OK I didn't post this ON...