Thursday, September 29, 2005

I have two left hands :P

You ever hear the saying of having two left feet?  Well today I have two left hands.  I’m so inspired to write a poem the best I’ve gotten so far is just snippets… because I don’t know if I’m just highly emotional or what but my poetry keeps tripping over itself…Here’s one line:

Memory…the warm blanket of reminiscence

What the heck do I do with that? Lol

Anyway, I have so many thoughts I want to express today.  There are a few factors hindering this expression… 1. I’m tired as hell.  I didn’t fall asleep until after 1am.  2.  I’m FREEZING.  Jesus this office is like a meat locker, and I’ve turned the thermostat so it reads 80, but I’m still freezing!; and 3. I’m at the office so I could be interrupted at any time.  So knowing this, I’ll do the best I can in the short time I have.

Thoughts on romantic Love…
Young people love so openly.  Older people (not old, just older: P) Love more cautiously.  I thrill to the delight of love’s expression falling like rose petals off the lips of someone who just barely understands it.  But stand back behind a wall of caution too that I shouldn’t fall prey to the giddiness of someone’s moment.  If we could take the youthful jubilance of love coupled with the ability to take risks, and DESIRE to take risks from young folks… and put that together with the knowledge of experienced people but take out the jaded-ness, and/or fear of hurt WOW would people have an awesome love!  

Thoughts on friendship Love…
I LOVE my friends… LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE them.  They give me the means to feel love.  They fill my hearts cup when I’m empty and give me peace when I’m sad.  Not to mention that as much as I’ve had to learn recently to count on my friends for support, they’ve not once failed me. The thing is, most of my friends with a few exceptions are online now.  And most of them have not even met me… and they support me just as much as the friends I have in real life.  They each do in their own unique way.  Whether it’s a response to a blog, reading a poem, listening in game, chatting in yim, sharing a vision through laughter, making me feel intelligent by understanding my wackiness, holding me in the pixilated world as I cry in real life, opening to me fully, or whatever… these people have been here.  There are waaaaay to many people I have to thank.  My Real life friends, I would have for sure not been able to survive this far without your support.  My online friends I would not be able to be so open if it weren’t for you as well.  I know I don’t talk to some people all the time.  I know I’m horrible at calling some people who continually call me.  I know I’m not always available in yahoo, but I am so grateful for every single one of you.  Everyday I’m grateful…

Ok I wanted to write more, but I’m so cold right now I can barely type.  I’m considering calling my boss and telling her I’m sick in an attempt to go home and get warm and sleep ooooh I could sleep right now.  I’m sooooooooooooooo tired….

Ciao for now


Anonymous said...

I'm sure that those people in your life get just as much from you in return. I know I do! And stop whining about being! Move to AZ like I told you and you'll never be cold again!

Anonymous said...

Yeah! If you move to CA wowowowow you'd definetely be a nake Muse!! It was 98* at noon!

And yes, we get just as much, if not more, from you than we give. And speaking for myself, I do try, sometimes not hard enough, but I want you to know that I'm there no matter what you need. If not need, want. I loooooooooooooooooove sharing my thoughts with you and I'm glad you're able to talk as well *hugs*. (; *asks you for a desk dance before bed :O*

love you (:

Anonymous said...

I mean:

We can be waky tyop wueens together :P. I hope you have an EXCELLENT Friday [= and I hope to see you this weekend >:D<.

This is 47

In my acquired wisdom I've accepted: 1. That it's OK to admit I like girly things 2. That it's OK I didn't post this ON...