Before you were conceived I wanted you
Before you were born I loved you
Before you were here an hour I would die for you
This is the miracle of life.
~Maureen Hawkins
A long time ago in the year of 19XX, the world heralded the birth of a very special woman. Just two days before Christmas, a special gift was delivered. She was born with bright eyes and curly hair. Her dimples could light up an entire room. And to one very special woman (my grandmother), this child was everything.
She was raised with values and integrity along with passion. She learned to love deeply, understand truth, and be angry at injustices even to her own family. She knew as long ago as I can remember that she wanted to teach others and so it was that she worked hard to become a teacher.For years she taught many students. She was part counselor in some cases, educator in most and friend to almost all she worked with. She worked in a system full of statistics, routine, and regulations trying hard to impart upon the young in the world the lessons needed to arm them to survive.
Throughout her life, this young bright eyed child loved more than anything and so when in her adult years opportunity showed the way, she chose to love two children she was given through adoption. She became that which she had wanted the very second she saw the eyes of those two children; a mother. She nurtured and loved these two children who loved her right back each in their own unique special way.
She has been through the death of her own mother, the loss of her brother, the passing of one of her children and still today while life goes on, she smiles and loves.
Today is a day of celebration for a very special person in my life, my mother. On this day especially now more than ever I am reminded of the beauty of a mother's love. I'm reminded that it is timeless, stronger than any material the world could supply, and never failing. We've been through arguements, fears, journeys that have made us stronger, and joy. The love I have for my mother permeates everything, EVEN the arguements and it rests comfortably among our hearts like a permanent blanket of warmth wraps your soul in.
I KNOW for a fact, without her I would not be who I am today.
But even more than that, this mother of mine, this "person" who loves above all else is my friend. And in her friendship even when all else has failed, I have known safety, comfort and love.
Happy Birthday Mom. I send out many prayers today and everyday in thanks for your love, and right now at this moment, I send tears of happiness too. That they carry the stories of our heart that we've shared over the years. That they show you that I know, that even with no money, no security, and a recent cancer scare in my life, that because of you in SO many ways, some I may not even be aware of; I am alive.
You are everything to me.
Happy birthday Muse mom!!
I hope you are having a wonderful day <3.
Happy birthday to the muse mom! I know for a fact that the Muse wouldn't be where she is today without you. Thank you for having the capacity to love those many years ago and transforming her into the respectable woman she is today ;)
Mr. Uber
Oh my goodness, how beautiful! Hope your mom had a happy birthday!
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