I had no clue what I wanted to post today. I even wrote out an entire post and deleted it before I posted it. There are so many things going on in life for me right now, for all of us I suppose... and while I write them out as they come,sometimes it's just best to let some of them fall by the wayside. I really wanted to post something today however, and nothing I wrote fit what I was feeling. Then today, I caught a glimpse of a prior post that just "FELT" right. I'm reposting it today because no matter what Ive got going on right now, I remembered just by reading this how I felt that night and you know what? That, FEELING is what mattered...
You are a blessing to me today, everyone of you, and while I feel like this, I FEEL all of you :)

(I ask a favor when you read this. Clear your desk of whatever clutter is around you. Close your chat windows, hang up your phones. Take a moment before you read this and breathe deep... Put on some soft music if you must, but take a moment and set the tone for something different. If you absolutely cannot do that, then at least read this thinking of they way it is I do things... Set your mind to run on a differnt track for a little bit and really read with your heart. This is raw, unedited and directly from my inspiration AS IT was given to me. Some of you may scoff and while that stings, it's ok, I understand. But for even just one of you to be able to really read this and see like I did... well that's the magic. I hope it touches you like it did to me tonight and I hope my sharing with you causes you to want to pass it on. This will remain up through Monday. Enjoy....)
In some moments we are afforded a vision, the clearest insight that shows us truth. Sometimes it's people, places, or sometimes just a feeling. but they're there. If we listen.
I have no clue what my purpose is, but I know I touch people. I know this because everyone affects each other. In my life I know this clearly, from a few special souls. And then when I forget again, I know this because a song sweeps my heart away. And then when I forget, a sunset so rich and vibrant such as I've never seen before appears when it is particularly dark, brightening my eyesight and lighting my way. I know this tonight as I sit here having watched a movie that most would call "Feel Good" and pass it off as sentimental, but that had a profound affect on me.
After this movie, with perfect clarity I looked at my houseguest who had no clue what was going on... and suddenly I knew him more than I knew anyone. And all the people I've talked to, or been a part of the life of, or simply shared times with no matter how small, passed before my eyes. And I wondered and understood, at the edge of my ability to do so, how each life touches each other and the other affects the next; and I felt so small, so humble, and so powerful. Rambling on in my mind, in thoughts, I wrote... compelled to do so immediately. Words have failed me many times when trying to "tell" you of this clarity that comes upon us only once in a while. But right now, they're here and they're infused with my spirit... right now.
If you just look with your eyes closed, listen when there is no sound, speak with the language of the soul, and feel the breeze swaying in your heart, you can for a moment hold this vision close, and bliss closer. When you do this breathe deep of the fresh air of inspiration, enjoy the scent... because it will go away.But the beauty of that, is that it WILL return... if you let it.I have a hug to give to my houseguest now. Who will have no clue why I'm doing that, but in a few seconds will let his heart be open and for just a second, a tiny glimmer of what I see will be passed and be waiting for him when and if he ever needs it.THAT is what we do...because THAT is what we're all about.
(read more, see more if you wish) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0400435/
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