Friday, July 07, 2006

One Second, Please :)

That’s all the quote I need to have today. What gorgeous vision! Click the link to view the words and the picture. Both are LOVELY

I wanted to make sure that today above all else I said a special thank you to those who posted in the post about Mrs. B in AZ’s freedom. I was so happy to see the replies. It’s very rare that I ever ask for people to comment, but knowing that people would is very nice especially in the spirit of helping another feel good (and in most cases, a person some of you have never met). Thank you for making her day and mine.

I just came across another fabulous quote and have to post it:

"God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say 'thank you'?" ~ William Arthur Ward

If you can't think of anything you're thankful for, then stop what you're doing for one second, take a deep breath and relax. Congratulations. You now have a reason to give thanks.

Kate Nowak; One Million Blessings

Thank you for the emails I received yesterday about my post. I think it’s a good thing when people can realize they’re shortcomings and/or mistakes and learn from them. Hopefully I will continue to learn from my mistakes and be able to truly be a person that helps others by helping myself too.

I am tired today. I slept a little less than normal but not so less that I’m exhausted. I think though that the quality of my sleep is the problem. I don’t know if it’s the new air conditioner? Though, they’re less loud than the old ones, because I have a remote for them (YES the ultimate in laziness, remote controlled A/C!) I find throughout the night I turn it off and then when I get hot I turn it back on. Both things require me to be semi awake so my sleep is interrupted. *shrug* Who knows…

Digital Soup Online; the Blog entry is pretty good. It’s about fear of the future. I have had many experiences with that. Give it a look see, it’s worth it.

I also have been feeling the creative juices again that are responsible for a lot of the creative things you see in my life. I’m already working on a book with two other authors, but I’ve been a bit stagnant in that since I’m in an area that I can’t quite figure out how to write the chapter for… But I want to DO something creative (I think that will help me with my writers block too).

Any ideas? Maybe a collaborative blog on something that would be written specifically to be published? Any takers? Blog dog? Jules? Mrs. Virgo? Anyone? Maybe a Digital Soup Newsletter or Calendar? Or just another love letter in my series? I just know that I feel the creative juices and have for a few days and like a pot of water boiling without attendance soon enough these creative energies will boil away to nothing.

Anyway, I don’t really have much to talk about today (at least not yet… could be that I have not had ANY caffeine yet :P) so I’ll sign off for now with a blessing and well wish to everyone:

May you be blessed today with a hug felt in your heart by me and anyone else you know who’s in your life. May you see the sun even if it’s cloudy and may it brighten your day. May your lemonade stand be in full working order to make the perfect lemonade if life throws you some lemons and may you know only the highs of joy today and not the lows of darkness. This is my sincere wish for you ALL today.


(Special thanks for reading my blog, as much as I post for my own therapy… I post for those who like to read it too.)


DAILY MEDITATION - Provided Courtesy of Renaissance Unity

Friday, July 7, 2006 – Beyond Appearances

"What if you, like the Buddha Siddhartha, suddenly realized that the whole world you'd invested in was no more than a lovely theatrical stage meant to distract your from true life? What then? Would you, like Jim Carey in 'The Truman Show; have the courage to walk off the set? Or like Keanu Reeves in 'The Matrix' swallow the blue pill?"
--Regina Sara Ryan Quote is taken from page 83 of: Praying Dangerously, Radical Reliance on God

Today's Affirmation
I am not afraid to see the truth of my life or my world.

Today's Meditation

Dear Creator,
I desire to see all things as You see them.
Lift me beyond my ideas, attachments, projections and fears.
I realize that, at times, I have formed a picture of how I want things to appear.
When I am overly invested in my view, I have missed Your Truth.
Open my eyes that I might see and my ears that I might hear.
Instead of losing myself in illusion, help me find myself in You.
Thank You.


This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown on the scrap heap; the being a force of Nature instead of a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy.

George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman, Epistle DedicatoryIrish dramatist & socialist (1856 - 1950)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel the hug in my heart! Thanks Muse. Geez - I feel like I've missed a lot from you this week.

This is 47

In my acquired wisdom I've accepted: 1. That it's OK to admit I like girly things 2. That it's OK I didn't post this ON...