It’s just like a tiny fire…” She thought to herself, as she looked at the ring in the satin green lining of the ring box he presented.
An eternity spanned a few seconds and the minutes overlapped in their haste to catch up to reality as she stared numbly. The ring, so little was such a huge symbol to her. And here it was presented as if an award, a trophy, the prize… someone else’s heart. The stone was the most beautiful fiery opal. Her mothers voice interrupted her thoughts, "an opal should only be given as a gift". She chuckled inwardly, well mom, this is one heck of a gift. She smiled as she watched the light capture each facet of the opal, shimmering first green, then blue and finally light red flecks. The band was classically called a cathedral mount of platinum. It was a beautiful masterpiece and as he had told her, “It must be a beautiful masterpiece, for I’m giving it to the master of beauty”.
She looked up at him, her arms crossed against her chest as if hugging her tightly they could stop the rapid fire beating of her amazed heart. He simply smiled. The ring the mediator between two contemplating becoming one stood silent. In its very existence the future was portrayed, history played, memories created even before being slipped deftly onto the finger of its intended wearer.
He broke the silence first softly speaking, his words slightly trembling, as his fear of her saying no became evident “There is no rush honey, but this is my offering to you. My offering to share everything that life throws at us, side by side.” He watched her face as he spoke careful not to read too much into what he saw, but trying very hard to see something that would give the weight on his chest reason to move.
Continuing on in her silence “Most men are afraid of commitment, we’re afraid of losing control. We’re afraid of being a part of someone’s life with a commitment because it’s demands something of us. At least that’s what I think” He looked away for a second trying to gather his thoughts it seemed before speaking again. “But I know that this commitment I make to you with the help of this ring, is an extension of the commitment I already made to you when I said I love you. Because this ring doesn’t define us, it simply declares loudly for the whole world to see LOOK! We DID IT!!”
He grinned at this his hands going up in the air, the ring box moving out of her line of sight for a moment while he gestured. He noticed that her eyes followed the box before snapping back to him. He closed the ring box then, and put it in his pocket as he smiled. His smile was one of such warmth. It caused him to practically glow, his thin red lips curving upward while his brown eyes glowed with intensity. His face rugged around the edges, but soft in touch beckoned to her while he smiled at her, reaching his hands to her. Touching her delicate milky skin he put both hands on her cheeks and leaned in kissing her soft lips. Looking into her eyes, as he pulled back never dropping his hands from her face he continued in whispers now “And I want to tell the whole world, I did it… I found the woman who showed me what life is for. The women who I will defend, love, laugh with, and share with for the rest of my life. There is no other like you, and I know in my heart, that vessel which threatens even now to burst from my chest”, at this he grinned and continued still “that there never WILL be another. This, I promise you”. He wrapped his arms around her pulling him to her in a hug.
Heart to heart rapid beating, it was then she knew. She breathed in his scent inhaling the perfume of love. It was definitely a tangible, something real. So many she knew wondered if it existed. Today, she knew. She remembered their arguments, their laughter, and their nights alone. And she realized that this WAS what it was all about. She had lived such a hard life, abuse, shame, hardship. She had been so confused even growing up about love. But there was no confusion today. She knew it wasn’t about sex being love, because it could not be… She knew now as if she had known it all through her scarred lifetime, that love was the melding of two souls. It was the distinct unique qualities of two individuals retaining their identities and individualities as they became one. And for the first time in her life, as she clung to this man, holding him his heart beating against hers, she had no fear.
Whispering to him “What a blessed feeling to know. My soul will never forget this moment, this awakening”.
Stepping back from him she asked him softly “May I see it again please?”
He smiled again and withdrew the box of the future from his pocket. Holding it out to her he opened it gently and the light caught the opal in a shimmer of brilliance. She leaned in closer for a look and then looked at him and said, "Something’s missing”.
He looked at her quizzically his mind racing “Damn what did I miss?” he thought to himself. His mind went over the day’s events, they had gone out for a special candlelight dinner in a restaurant that had cozy corners. They had done her favorite thing, walking along the pier listening to the fog horns and birds calling while they shared dreams. They had then come to his home where a friend had helped him by coming in earlier to create a candlelight path to the living room where a roaring fire had been built (and had thankfully snuck out in time out the back door). And even the wine was chilling on the table next to a single rose. His brow furrowed as he thought aloud “Did I mess up?” His heart sank to think he could have messed this perfect moment up.
He looked into her green eyes flecked with gold and she simply smiled. In the smile he was comforted as her joy and love was evident in the way her red lips curled up, the way her nose wrinkled slightly when she smiled, and the way her eyes twinkled. He was captivated indeed. She spoke softly then “This is a beautiful ring, but whatever are you trying to tell me?” Winking at him he got it, and without a moments delay he got down on one knee.
The prepared speech he had taken a full day to memorize completely forgotten as he looked up at this vision of beauty and love, he simply stared for a moment into her eyes unable to speak. Her chestnut hair so soft against her shoulders radiated in the firelight. Her eyes almost had a luminescence to them as she gazed at him and he realized then that he was staring. Clearing his throat, he reached for her left hand, and wrapping hers in his he was rewarded with a reassuring squeeze of his hand as he breathed deeply to speak.
“I … I uh prepared a speech, but it has no meaning now. Not when placed in front of the glory that is you. “ He looked into her eyes speaking from his heart now letting go of reality to speak in the terms of love. “There are no words to define the music, the essence of love. I am humbled in its sight as I’m humbled every time I see you. I realize I’m just a man, and without you I will remain a man. “ He looked down for a second and when he looked back it was clear to her as his eyes watered ever so slightly that he was speaking of passion and from the heart. “But with you”, he whispered “I can be anything. I can DO anything… I can survive anything. I want to share everything, hear how you feel about things, and learn how we can be what others only dream of.”
He squeezed her hand back then and let go of it for a moment to fumble with the ring, pulling it from it’s soft satiny interior. It felt like permanence in his hand and he wasn’t afraid. Smiling even as he heard her gasp a little and laugh softly as the moment swept her away, he reached for her hand again trying to be so very careful that he didn’t shake as hard in his grip as his heart was inside his chest.
“Please give me the honor of being part of the existence of beauty, for the rest of my life, in good and bad for as long as we live” Having said that he slipped the ring that perfectly fit onto her finger while gazing into her eyes.
Her right hand over her mouth she couldn’t help but laugh softly in amazement. All her life she had thought it couldn’t be true, most especially not for her and yet here it was. She wanted to savor this moment… lock it in her memory forever. Then when she could stand it no longer, she said softly “I love you with all my heart. Yes, I will be by your side” Smiling widely she tugged at his hand and pulled him to her. Their faces mere inches apart now, she smiled, breathing deeply. Her heart slowed it’s incessant beating, growing comfortable in this love because it knew she wouldn’t be alone.
He leaned in without hesitation, his heart once beating so hard now permanently it seemed, stuck in his throat and kissed her. Their lips joined, becoming the seal of a chapter in a journey that they had started together and would continue together…for as long as they lived.
An eternity spanned a few seconds and the minutes overlapped in their haste to catch up to reality as she stared numbly. The ring, so little was such a huge symbol to her. And here it was presented as if an award, a trophy, the prize… someone else’s heart. The stone was the most beautiful fiery opal. Her mothers voice interrupted her thoughts, "an opal should only be given as a gift". She chuckled inwardly, well mom, this is one heck of a gift. She smiled as she watched the light capture each facet of the opal, shimmering first green, then blue and finally light red flecks. The band was classically called a cathedral mount of platinum. It was a beautiful masterpiece and as he had told her, “It must be a beautiful masterpiece, for I’m giving it to the master of beauty”.
She looked up at him, her arms crossed against her chest as if hugging her tightly they could stop the rapid fire beating of her amazed heart. He simply smiled. The ring the mediator between two contemplating becoming one stood silent. In its very existence the future was portrayed, history played, memories created even before being slipped deftly onto the finger of its intended wearer.
He broke the silence first softly speaking, his words slightly trembling, as his fear of her saying no became evident “There is no rush honey, but this is my offering to you. My offering to share everything that life throws at us, side by side.” He watched her face as he spoke careful not to read too much into what he saw, but trying very hard to see something that would give the weight on his chest reason to move.
Continuing on in her silence “Most men are afraid of commitment, we’re afraid of losing control. We’re afraid of being a part of someone’s life with a commitment because it’s demands something of us. At least that’s what I think” He looked away for a second trying to gather his thoughts it seemed before speaking again. “But I know that this commitment I make to you with the help of this ring, is an extension of the commitment I already made to you when I said I love you. Because this ring doesn’t define us, it simply declares loudly for the whole world to see LOOK! We DID IT!!”
He grinned at this his hands going up in the air, the ring box moving out of her line of sight for a moment while he gestured. He noticed that her eyes followed the box before snapping back to him. He closed the ring box then, and put it in his pocket as he smiled. His smile was one of such warmth. It caused him to practically glow, his thin red lips curving upward while his brown eyes glowed with intensity. His face rugged around the edges, but soft in touch beckoned to her while he smiled at her, reaching his hands to her. Touching her delicate milky skin he put both hands on her cheeks and leaned in kissing her soft lips. Looking into her eyes, as he pulled back never dropping his hands from her face he continued in whispers now “And I want to tell the whole world, I did it… I found the woman who showed me what life is for. The women who I will defend, love, laugh with, and share with for the rest of my life. There is no other like you, and I know in my heart, that vessel which threatens even now to burst from my chest”, at this he grinned and continued still “that there never WILL be another. This, I promise you”. He wrapped his arms around her pulling him to her in a hug.
Heart to heart rapid beating, it was then she knew. She breathed in his scent inhaling the perfume of love. It was definitely a tangible, something real. So many she knew wondered if it existed. Today, she knew. She remembered their arguments, their laughter, and their nights alone. And she realized that this WAS what it was all about. She had lived such a hard life, abuse, shame, hardship. She had been so confused even growing up about love. But there was no confusion today. She knew it wasn’t about sex being love, because it could not be… She knew now as if she had known it all through her scarred lifetime, that love was the melding of two souls. It was the distinct unique qualities of two individuals retaining their identities and individualities as they became one. And for the first time in her life, as she clung to this man, holding him his heart beating against hers, she had no fear.
Whispering to him “What a blessed feeling to know. My soul will never forget this moment, this awakening”.
Stepping back from him she asked him softly “May I see it again please?”
He smiled again and withdrew the box of the future from his pocket. Holding it out to her he opened it gently and the light caught the opal in a shimmer of brilliance. She leaned in closer for a look and then looked at him and said, "Something’s missing”.
He looked at her quizzically his mind racing “Damn what did I miss?” he thought to himself. His mind went over the day’s events, they had gone out for a special candlelight dinner in a restaurant that had cozy corners. They had done her favorite thing, walking along the pier listening to the fog horns and birds calling while they shared dreams. They had then come to his home where a friend had helped him by coming in earlier to create a candlelight path to the living room where a roaring fire had been built (and had thankfully snuck out in time out the back door). And even the wine was chilling on the table next to a single rose. His brow furrowed as he thought aloud “Did I mess up?” His heart sank to think he could have messed this perfect moment up.
He looked into her green eyes flecked with gold and she simply smiled. In the smile he was comforted as her joy and love was evident in the way her red lips curled up, the way her nose wrinkled slightly when she smiled, and the way her eyes twinkled. He was captivated indeed. She spoke softly then “This is a beautiful ring, but whatever are you trying to tell me?” Winking at him he got it, and without a moments delay he got down on one knee.
The prepared speech he had taken a full day to memorize completely forgotten as he looked up at this vision of beauty and love, he simply stared for a moment into her eyes unable to speak. Her chestnut hair so soft against her shoulders radiated in the firelight. Her eyes almost had a luminescence to them as she gazed at him and he realized then that he was staring. Clearing his throat, he reached for her left hand, and wrapping hers in his he was rewarded with a reassuring squeeze of his hand as he breathed deeply to speak.
“I … I uh prepared a speech, but it has no meaning now. Not when placed in front of the glory that is you. “ He looked into her eyes speaking from his heart now letting go of reality to speak in the terms of love. “There are no words to define the music, the essence of love. I am humbled in its sight as I’m humbled every time I see you. I realize I’m just a man, and without you I will remain a man. “ He looked down for a second and when he looked back it was clear to her as his eyes watered ever so slightly that he was speaking of passion and from the heart. “But with you”, he whispered “I can be anything. I can DO anything… I can survive anything. I want to share everything, hear how you feel about things, and learn how we can be what others only dream of.”
He squeezed her hand back then and let go of it for a moment to fumble with the ring, pulling it from it’s soft satiny interior. It felt like permanence in his hand and he wasn’t afraid. Smiling even as he heard her gasp a little and laugh softly as the moment swept her away, he reached for her hand again trying to be so very careful that he didn’t shake as hard in his grip as his heart was inside his chest.
“Please give me the honor of being part of the existence of beauty, for the rest of my life, in good and bad for as long as we live” Having said that he slipped the ring that perfectly fit onto her finger while gazing into her eyes.
Her right hand over her mouth she couldn’t help but laugh softly in amazement. All her life she had thought it couldn’t be true, most especially not for her and yet here it was. She wanted to savor this moment… lock it in her memory forever. Then when she could stand it no longer, she said softly “I love you with all my heart. Yes, I will be by your side” Smiling widely she tugged at his hand and pulled him to her. Their faces mere inches apart now, she smiled, breathing deeply. Her heart slowed it’s incessant beating, growing comfortable in this love because it knew she wouldn’t be alone.
He leaned in without hesitation, his heart once beating so hard now permanently it seemed, stuck in his throat and kissed her. Their lips joined, becoming the seal of a chapter in a journey that they had started together and would continue together…for as long as they lived.
1 comment:
beautiful story, romantic and very mood setting. I loved it. Some of the lines were very memorable and I just shook my head in RL and thought, "wow, that seems so true/beautiful" such as "trying very hard to see something that would give the weight on his chest reason to move."
I love the way you write romance :)
Mr. Uber
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