Thursday, January 11, 2007


Feel like Christ and you will be a Christ; feel like Buddha and you will be a Buddha. It is feeling that is the life, the strength, the vitality, without which no amount of intellectual activity can reach God.--Swami Vivekananda

It's so clear that you have to cherish everyone. I think that's what I get from these older black women, that every soul is to be cherished, that every flower is to bloom.—Alice Walker

I had my first post operative appointment today. It went well :) I lost 5 more pounds (yay!) and the incision which is now the size of one half of my pinkie nail, is closing/healing nicely. I wont have the results from the test they did today for about a week, but overall the doctor thinks it will be fine. They do not expect any return of the cancer. So keep your fingers crossed for that :)
I still do have fevers though. Although today when I was at the doctors they took my temp and I was 98.9 for the first time in over a month! I took my temperature when I got home and it had climbed again to 99.9, but that's still lower than it's been in a while. I have to take my temperature everyday multiple times to track the highs and lows of these fevers. I've increased my water intake (though not completely to 64oz per day as doctor ordered) by far. I've also started my herbal remedy of supplements etc again. Overall I feel ok, except for on occasion when I'm achy.
I'm tired a lot. Yesterday due to all the emotional upsets and other things that continued on into the night, I barely made it through 4pm work quitting time. Then after that I fell asleep for a good 4 hours or more. When I did get up around 8, I was only up for a short time and when I fell back asleep I slept until 6am (nearly 7:30 by the time I actually got up!). I'm tired again already, but I want to make it to 5pm for work as my shortened schedule is already hurting in the financial arena.
I've been reading some good spiritual books (see my book list to the left) and I think this is a very positive thing. I just wish for these times of upset, frustration, and health issues to be gone. I'm ready to get back to my life (have been ready since November).
On a side note, the nurses at the Cancer Center made me feel exceptionally good today. Not only do they remember me, but they noticed my hair and remembered that I was going to cut it for Locks of Love. They said my hair looks so cute ;) It brought a smile to my face and that, is priceless to me.
For now, back to the work grind... Thank you for reading my thoughts and words. You are a blessing to me everyday.


Anonymous said...

Great news from the doctor! Now if we can just get rid of the fevers for ya! Congratulations on another 5 pounds. I am so very proud of you! And remember, you are a beautiful soul.


Unknown said...

I desperately need your help on a work matter. Would you please contact me on YIM?

Suzie Ridler said...

It sounds like you are making some progress. Isn't it the way to be OK when you show up at the doc's office and then have the trouble when you get home? Crazy!

On a very personal note, if they took out your ovaries you could be having some hormone issues, going through early menopause. Not sure if that's what happened but I have heard of this as a side effect.

Libra Moon said...

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. - Leo Buscaglia

In Peace...
Libra Moon

This is 47

In my acquired wisdom I've accepted: 1. That it's OK to admit I like girly things 2. That it's OK I didn't post this ON...