“By the accident of fortune a man may rule the world for a time, but by virtue of love and kindness he may rule the world forever.”~Lao Tsu - Chinese Philosopher
The day has started off well. I've read a few blogs including some notable posts from Sacred Suzie. I've revisited the past without fear, and spoken publicly about a dark corner in my life in another's blog.
I've been in some kind of funk lately. It seems that my life is going through the motions. I work from home (temporarily), I go out more than I used to, and when I do go out it's FABULOUS, but still; when I'm home, I seem to be waiting for the time to pass. Does that make sense?
But this morning, as I shared my story with Sacred Suzie, a feeling of strength built in me. I don't know what I will do with this strength or if it's just a fleeting reminder of the strength I had during a particularly hard moment in my life.
Then when I came here I thought, "My goodness, what do I write about?". And then I came across the quote quite by accident, that I have listed above.
I have for some time now, looked to helping others when I feel bad, when I’m sad, when I’m strong and have excess energy to give, and when I’m loving and wish people to know of the feel of true love. In some cases, this activity has become my defense mechanism, soothing my soul when it was in pain, simply by sharing with another.
I have no idea what this day will turn out like, but right now, this very moment while I feel the strength inside me to reach out again to people. I reach out to all of you. I wish right now I had the means with which to give every single one of you your favorite color rose. It may seem trivial, but to the people who know me either through this blog, or in online life or in real life, it is simply a genuine sign of love for you. I wish additionally that I could give you a hug, a big tight squeezy hug just to let you know I care for you. And I wish that my voice, that which saved me many times in the past, would become strong again and offer each one of you some little tidbit, advice, some offering. That it would breeze over you, and wash away your cares, wash away the blahs, and color your day with rose colored glasses even if just for a moment.
I have no post today other than the spreading of joy, peace, love, strength. Today is Thursday, and just like every other day, you are all loved. But today, I open my heart fully to you all. I stretch my wings and shine as only someone living in their heart can do.
Maybe it will reach you, and give you some warmth, or a laugh, or some joy. That is what I hope & wish for all of you today.
In love, light & peace
Be well today,
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