Friday, August 10, 2007

Social butterfly! (and no cancer, again!) I'm on a roll!

Tonight I’ll be doing something I’ve not done before… I’ll be going to comedy improv! This week has been a good busy week full of friends, game, events, and visits.

Tuesday I went and saw the concert with the top 10 American Idols. It was very nice! I didn’t particularly care for Sanjaya, but that’s because I do not think he can sing that well. He would be good in a small lounge, or something of that nature. However everyone else did AWESOME. And as an extra bonus I got to see Gina Glockson get engaged! It was so romantic. I have to admit I feel a certain kinship being that she is from my city too, but still it was such a wonderful thing to witness right there in front of me! What joy to share in such a blessed event!

Then Thursday I hosted an event in game that went very well. It took a lot of planning to create and host a faire in an environment with rules and limits, but it went very well and I think everyone had a blast.

Then tonight I’m going to see Joe Rogan. I’ve only seen him as the host of Fear Factor, but apparently he’s a very good humor man. We shall see ;) I’m pretty hard to impress in the comedy department, but even if the comedy isn’t stellar, hanging out with friends and having fun will be WONDERFUL.

Then tomorrow, I’m hanging out with a group of wonderful, inspirational women for a day of laughter, lunch, dinner, new age shopping, etc. It’s good soul food in abundance! I am so excited for this day.

I’ve been doing my meditations as well now. Admittedly I haven’t done as many as I should, but I have been better and it’s wonderful. The story I posted previously in my blog is an example of the visions I sometimes receive while meditating. I don’t know whether it’s just because I am very good at visualizations or if it’s a message I’m meant to listen to. I’ve been approaching it as the latter, and have been trying to work hard on my internal library of things… It feels good to be relaxed even when busy, stable even when emotions are all over the place, and happy even during the storm of life as it currently may be at times.

Oh and the best news of the day/week, my second Post Op screening for cancer came back NEGATIVE! Yay! I’m starting to feel a little less scared of the tests now. It’s nice to not have that worry about appointments as much as I used to have.

I could write so much more, but I think perhaps I’ll let things set for a while here ;) Have a wonderful day folks!


Be The Change (Courtesy of Daily Good):Add a touch of beauty to a neglected corner of your world.
I wish for happiness for you today. Fridays always have that little spark of joy as the weekend (for some of us) approaches. May you find your spark of joy no matter if today is the start of your weekend or the beginning of your week; may joy find you and light upon your heart for a while.

You are a blessing to me everyday


A story of inspiration for you today, courtesy of Daily Good


Anonymous said...

What great news! I am so happy for you! Have a great weekend.... sounds like its going to be a blast!

Miss Robyn said...

I am now 6 years post treatment and I never, ever thought that the fear of recurrence and tests and checkups would go away... but they did.. and they will for you too.. good news for you, YAY!

This is 47

In my acquired wisdom I've accepted: 1. That it's OK to admit I like girly things 2. That it's OK I didn't post this ON...