Wednesday, August 15, 2007

When staying alive means...

I have a war that I wage on myself daily over money, life, living in the moment, trying to be stress free… I find that I get angered easily as I battle these emotions and even more so when I read something like this today.

What more do people need to hear to realize this is a HUGE problem that is only going to get worse? Please read, share your thoughts… But be aware; especially when it comes time to choose someone who’s supposedly going to fix it.

Our health is priority, without us there is no voting body, without our voice, finances etc, there is no support. This should be among the top 10 issues discussed by those who say they will make a difference for us, with us. And if it’s not, then choose differently. This is not a lesser of two evils argument (i.e. Well they feel like I do about x, y, z, so I guess I can let this issue slide). It must be addressed, and resolved or at least on a path towards resolution. Many of us are dying (physically, financially, and emotionally) because it’s not at the forefront of people’s minds.

Help each other live.

When staying alive means…

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Having a daughter than has had two major illnesses in her short 5 years, including 18 months of chemotherapy, I understand this article completely. I can't begin to count the hours we have spent on the phone with insurance companies and doctor's offices, trying to straighten out medical bills. And we'll be paying off those 'suprise, you aren't fully covered on this' bills for a long time.

Unfortunately, I don't have confidence that anyone's going to fix it any time soon. Everyone is in the pockets of the special interest groups, so they have money to get elected or stay in office.

All we can strive for is to do the best we can do.

This is 47

In my acquired wisdom I've accepted: 1. That it's OK to admit I like girly things 2. That it's OK I didn't post this ON...