Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Sometimes life can seem so heavy. So oppressive. For me, when I get stressed, nothing else can happen. I have to work hard at removing that which blocks joy. Sometimes, it's just too hard and I go days with stress and angst manifesting itself in abrupt conversations, tears, and loss of sleep. But always there is a turnaround, even if the thing that caused so much stress isn't resolved (as is the case now). So today, I have enough space in my world to be grateful. And once you let gratitude in, you can no longer be a slave to fear and oppression. There are things we can be grateful for everyday. They may be small, but they are still gratitude. It is hard to see them when you're mired down in issues, but even then; they are still there... We just have to "See" them. SO today, in my Book of Light I've documented some things I'm grateful for. And here, I thought I'd share with you my gratitude. so somewhere in the digital world intentions sent from my heart can still be visible to more than just my soul.

May they bring you joy, or light if you need it.

I'm grateful for "Jevy"
I'm grateful for less stress today
I'm grateful for the people who make me remember that I'm special and respected
I'm grateful for the lesson in awareness
I'm grateful for the weight I've lost
I'm grateful for my angels
I'm grateful to be alive

Beauty is not in the face;beauty is a light in the heart.
Khalil Gibran, (1883 - 1931)

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This is 47

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