Thursday, June 15, 2006

"I who am blind can give one hint to those who see: use your eyes as if tomorrow you would be stricken blind. And the same method can be applied to the other senses. Hear the music of voices, the song of a bird, & the mighty strains of an orchestra as if you would be stricken deaf tomorrow. Touch each object as if tomorrow your tactile sense would fail. Smell the perfume of flowers, taste with relish each morsel as if tomorrow you could never smell and taste again. Make the most of every sense; glory in all the facets of pleasure and beauty which the world reveals to you through the several means of contact which nature provides."
~ Helen Keller
When we begin to live each day as if it is to be our last one here, we suddenly realize the need to turn every experience into a cherished memory we would want to carry home.

"Kind thoughts are rarer than either kind words or deeds. They imply a great deal of thinking about others. This in itself is rare, but they also imply a great deal of thinking about others without the thoughts being criticisms. This is rarer still."
~ E.W. Faber; 19th century playwright
Try this experiment. For the next 24 hours, do your best to suspend all judgment and criticism of others. Instead, wrap every person you meet in a warm and loving thought of kindness. Don't just limit this to physical contact, but apply it to everyone who comes to mind. And for those you consider enemies, make certain the thought is especially kind. There is a very good chance that by the time the experiment is finished, the way you habitually think about your fellow man will be forever changed.

"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world the master calls a butterfly."
~Richard Bach, American Author

No matter what might be happening in your life right now, take a deep breath, relax and let your thoughts be still. Just as darkness gives way to dawn, so does despair create a new beginning. Never allow yourself to forget that it is from the darkest moment of the night that each new sunrise is born.

The last few days have been a blur to me. They’ve been full of highs and lows, emotions, changes, confusion in some cases, and a definitive lack of sleep. I slept Tuesday night for the first time in a few days, passing out early and waking up late. I had a headache due to tension over my work. After a few moments of groggy panic fueled by the absolute refusal to go to work yesterday morning…I decided to call off. Sometimes you just need a mental health day.

With the molasses I feel I’ve been running in the past few days I’ve missed some important things… like the passing of a very dear friend to me. I posted yesterday evening when my internet came back up, about how I felt but my post was not what I would have wanted to say and it was a day late. I thought about it today and thought if I had the means to say all I wanted it still wouldn’t be enough. So I’ll leave my post about her the way it is and let my heart speak the volumes I’m unable to say in quiet… She’ll hear it. She is aware of all the things I speak quietly to her when I’m alone with my thoughts. She knows how much I love her.
Sometimes it is the quiet around us that stills our souls rather than the vocal expression of your life. And so it is today with me.

I hope you all have a wonderful day today.


Has moved over to Digital Soup Online; The Blog; Check it out! Nothing but light and goodness over there for ya ;)


Enjoy the day before Friday, choose something today and enjoy it. Maybe it’s the sun, maybe it’s the clouds… whatever it is let it bring you a smile today. My wish for you today is peace.



“It takes a deep commitment to change and an even deeper commitment to grow.”
~Ralph Ellison

Today's Affirmation
I am committed to the evolution of my soul.

1 comment:

The Muse said...

Thanks Blog Dog. It seemed out of the three I pulled today, to be the one most appropo for me.

This is 47

In my acquired wisdom I've accepted: 1. That it's OK to admit I like girly things 2. That it's OK I didn't post this ON...