Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Present, Positive Thoughts...

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.~Albert Einstein

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. ~ Buddha

Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it that you can.  ~Danny Kaye

I have this problem a lot.  (Referring to the italicized quote as my personal quote of the day).  I live a lot in the past especially the past that I have found is good.  

Mainly I’ve always remembered only the bad things in my life.  Ask me about all the BAD things that happened to me as a child and I can recite most of them to you without hesitation.  Ask me about the good things in life even in the past or recent past, and I tend to get blurry.   So when I do remember a good thing that’s happened I try to hold onto it, and sometimes live too much in it.  

The present right now for me is not the best place I find myself in.  I’m not well (healthy), I’m not wealthy, I’m not happy (sometimes).  We all go through this, and it’s far too easy for me to feel all alone in these feelings.  Through this blog, through these affirmations, through any means possible I endeavor to change the way I’ve been thinking my whole life.  I think in some measure it’s working.  My glass seems to be a bit more full then I ever thought it was at a casual glance.  But I still fail too.  

I still remember with fondness certain emotions of the past, I still wish sometimes I could just go back and do something over again.  It’s easy to fall into those thoughts when you feel that the present really doesn’t hold much charm for you.  

So today, I will try to focus on the positives of the present.  This will be hard, trust me, because today is the day for my doctors appointment.  Today I’m working with Crony and I’m probably going to be just as busy as yesterday.  But I think this is a good day to do this, BECAUSE of these things.  So let’s hope I can focus on today, keep positive, and go home tonight the winner instead of going home with a headache

Wish me luck!


Coming Out Of Hiding

There are times in our lives when withdrawing from our social obligations and taking some time to be alone is necessary to rejuvenate our energy and renew our connection to ourselves. However, there are also times when withdrawal is a red flag, indicating an underlying sense of depression or some other problem. We may not even have consciously decided to isolate ourselves but wake up one day to find that we have been spending most of our time alone. Perhaps it's been a long time since friends who used to call have given up. Without anyone inviting us out, we sink deeper into alienation.

The longer our isolation lasts, the harder it becomes to reach out to people. It is as if we have failed to exercise a particular muscle, and now it is so weak we don't know how to use it. Yet, in order to return to a healthy, balanced state of being, that's exactly what we need to do. If you find yourself in this situation, call an understanding friend who will listen to you with compassion, not a defensive friend who may have taken your withdrawal personally. The last thing you need is to be chided; a negative response could intensity your isolation. If you don't have a kind friend you can rely on, call a spiritual counselor or therapist. They may be able to help you determine the underlying cause of your isolation and help you find your way out of it.

When you've been in a pattern of secluding yourself, it can begin to seem impossible that you could reenter the world of friendships, conversations, and group activities, but with time, you will. Most people will understand if you take the time to explain that you've fallen out of touch and would like to reconnect. Take your time and be gentle with yourself, starting with one person and building from there. Try to reach out to one new person every week. Before you know it, you will find yourself back in the company of friends.

Today I wish that you all find good health, good friends, good times awaiting you at every turn.  Through this whole day if fear, negativity or doubt seeks you, may you find the strength to push past it and be surrounded by beauty.  Beauty attracts beauty and you are all BEAUTIFUL.



"All the doors that lead inward to the sacred peace of the Most High are doors outwards--out of self, out of smallness, out of wrong."~George MacDonald

1 comment:

Suzie Ridler said...

What a wonderful post Muse. For those of us with chronic illness, I think it's particularly difficult to focus on the positive. We have constant reminders of the things that aren't ideal tapping us on the back.

I don't have a lot of positive memories from my childhood either but each day now is full of them. I live here, today. Yesterday is a dark place I no longer need to visit. I walk in the light today and hopefully tomorrow.

Thank you for this reminder.

This is 47

In my acquired wisdom I've accepted: 1. That it's OK to admit I like girly things 2. That it's OK I didn't post this ON...