Thursday, August 10, 2006

Thoughts on Yesterday's quotes

What is around you is only an extension of who you are. Look at those things and realize that they are what they are, imperfect though they may be. By accepting the truth, you propel yourself into better circumstances. By resisting, you live in the constant negativity of your own dissatisfaction. ~Stuart Wilde


Here is today's heartfelt blessing:

"In this moment, if I choose to be ruled by fear, what will the consequences be? If I choose to embrace this moment with love and gratitude, what will the consequences be? Your heart knows the difference. It feels each moment that you have disconnected from love and gratitude. Consequently, every fear-driven beat of the heart plays a symphony of victimization and suffering." ~Dr. Darren R. Weissman, "The Power of Infinite Love and Gratitude"

When we keep the focus of our thoughts centered on those things that are good and pure and lovely; when we suspend judgment of others and choose, instead, to love without condition; when we look at every experience, good or bad, as a reason to be thankful; when we do these things, we remain connected to Spirit. We feel healthy, and vibrant and alive. Any clutch of fear or worry is simply a warning that we are pulling away from our power. It's like a disconnect notice from the universe, reminding us that we need to once more "pay" attention to the dominant trend of our thoughts.

And until tomorrow...Know that you are loved beyond measure and a cherished blessing to me.

May your day be filled with all things good,

Kate Nowak
One Million Blessings; May You be blessed


I really dislike being sick. Aside from uncomfortable, it’s just not fun. Who likes to be sick? No one that I know… Bleh. I won’t rant about this today.

I really like this line “By resisting, you live in the constant negativity of your own dissatisfaction” in the first quote.

The constant negativity of your own dissatisfaction…

That’s a powerful statement right there. It’s true though, dissatisfaction can be projected and twisted and turned onto someone else but ultimately it is your own dissatisfaction.

I find it hard to live Don Miguel Ruiz’s world sometimes (see yesterday’s quotes). I wish I could distance myself from assumption, never take anything personally, and always do my best. So far I’ve only managed to (sometimes) incorporate being impeccable with my word.

Here, in this blog particularly I try to say what I mean. I do this too in conversations with people, in email, etc. I fail sometimes because I’m a creature of emotion and sometimes that emotion gets the better of me. But as much as this musings blog, the digital soup online one, and my other (totally anonymous one ;) are very public places, viewable by anyone… I still maintain being impeccable with my word. I temper criticque with insight, and soften words of hurt with compassion. I try…

But I can’t seem to expertly weave the other 3 of the four agreements into my life to make a fine work of art that’s all me.

How does one not take things personally? Do you just shut off that voice that says “Oh my god, he did not just call you a fat cow!” and say he is a victim of his environment or has fallen prey to the dream that he lives in. That’s a hard sell. But maybe too, that’s the lesson eh?

How does one not make assumptions? We live in a fast paced world where signals and shortened messages account for 80% of our communication. There isn’t much room there for clarification. Personally too, it’s easy to fall into the “I know them well enough I’m sure they would do, or say this.” I can see where assumption would walk hand in hand paired perfectly, with fear. Assuming one will do something that could have an impact particularly negative is the driving force for people to take action without a basis in fact.

Always do your best, is not one that is too hard. If we at all have pride in who we are, what we do, what life is about, etc.; then doing our best comes naturally I would think.

I do think I lack discipline however, and need to work on my own “Dream” as Don Miguel Ruiz would call it. I need to furnish it with more of the things that help me be more of what *I* want to be, so that when I come across the things listed above, comments, meanness etc.; I can walk away saying I will not take it personally and wish them instead well. Additionally I can then use this to help others. That is my goal. I may lose sight of how to get to the goal line, but the goal itself has never been clearer.

And like Kate Nowak says to me every morning (see above quote), I say to myself as well as to you:

Know that you are loved beyond measure and a cherished blessing to me.



I wish you all a day of blissful peace. That no one hurts you; that you are able to look with compassion on others; that you are able to love yourself. Today should (like everyday) be a day of love. I send you all love today, allow yourself to feel it, even if it feels foreign. It starts somewhere ;)


Accept everything about yourself -- I mean everything, you are you and that is the beginning and the end -- no apologies, no regrets.
~Clark Moustakas

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First of all, everyone is entitled to rant once in a while :-)

Second of all, I thank you for posting the Dr. Weissman quote. It makes you think twice about how you choose to act or react to things.

Hugs to you today.

This is 47

In my acquired wisdom I've accepted: 1. That it's OK to admit I like girly things 2. That it's OK I didn't post this ON...