Monday, April 17, 2006

Monday... (Insert witty title here)

Welcome to Monday.

It was an interesting if not slow, weekend. Friday I went grocery shopping (ugh) with my mother no doubt. I HATE grocery shopping. I can’t wait till I make enough to have delivery or until I have a partner who will share that responsibility with me… I can’t stand it. Did I mention I dislike it?

Lugging groceries in and putting everything away, pretty much wiped me. It’s almost that time of year when it’s getting warmer here and those of you who know me know I like to stay cool. I turned the air conditioner on in my bedroom because it was so warm in my apartment. It was nice to be cool after a time. Course it doesn’t help that I’m overweight I think.. The temperature is always too warm for me, or it’s absolutely toe numbing freezing lol. I can’t ever get it right.

Saturday I let myself sleep until nearly 10am. It’s a strange thing for me to do, as I’m usually up early (Damn this early morning job!). But I spent the day relaxing pretty much and doing some hard core gaming. Between that and dozing when I wanted it was a nice day.

Sunday, I went to my mothers for Easter and had a lovely dinner with her. She gave me lots of goodies to take home most of which I forgot for lunch. We had a good conversation (no we didn’t kill each other, nor did we even wound each other *gasp* perhaps we’re growing out of our anger lol). It was a very nice time.

I stayed up way too late again last night and I’m tired today as a result, but it’s ok for the most part. Yay for shorter hair, that I can mange in the morning… Yes, that means I was a TOTAL girl today :P Check this out, not ONLY did I do my hair today AND my makeup… uh huh, but I also did my nails (and kept doing them) all weekend long! Heh, I know… not a big deal to most, but it IS to me. My hands look better than they have for years… My nails *gap* are growing a little bit and I feel human albeit tired this morning. Today just might be the day I take my cam shots. Everytime I get my hair cut I take cam shots. I didn’t Friday because well I was sweaty *yuck*. But today I just might :D Be afraid… be very afraid.

Well “S” is back today and Crony should be in too. All this and today is the day that the mail switches from our old provider to our new one (GoDaddy). While this doesn’t pose a problem for this techie junkie, it does pose a problem with the hens in the office. We’re talking about people who think their hard drive crashes after they’ve plugged in speakers because a cord has come undone (and no, they didn’t check lol) After I changed the server around (as I was supposed to do) and suffered the fiasco from that… I have opted to not touch ANYTHING that the hens would fear. However, today it seems I’m handling the switchover entirely. I hope (and pray for me dear readers) that it goes smoothly. I would SO love to wear the I told you so face of smugness when I look at Crony or “S” after everything goes without a hitch.

Pray for me.

So no Mr. R this weekend. That’s ok, he didn’t call and I didn’t call either. It’s funny, I’m so laid back about things like this anymore. It just doesn’t bother me. I do not have the energy to put into worrying about when someone calls or doesn’t. I hope he’s ok.

So Mr. S has made an entrance into my web of friendship. However did he manage that so quickly? Well, by being honest, and having some important things in common with me right off the bat.

See I’m on auto pilot a lot. Being online and immersed in a mainly male driven gaming society means that I get hit on a lot. Especially more so because I’m actually a woman playing a male driven game lol. For the most part, I get hit on in game by the 18-24 crowd. At least in my fighting game WoW. In the chat games There and Second Life I get hit on by the 40-50 crowd. In the few ads I’ve placed I get hit on by the 46-56+ crowd. I’d really be happy if someone who was my age or close to it would hit on me; and also actually someone with the same morals, and ideas and things too. Someone who isn’t into animals, or weird fetishes like smelling nylons or something and one who doesn’t follow the idea of having to have a mistress to satisfy your needs . I mean come on… you really think telling me that because I “wouldn’t come around, I had to talk to my mistress and get taken care of” is going to make me hot? Well it does… hot under the collar in anger. That type of thinking is just so wrong in my eyes… wait a minute. DAMMIT, I’ve derailed my own thoughts!

Ok so back to Mr. S. He’s nice, has some important things in common with me, understands the drive for gaming, and thinks I’m pretty (even overweight! Wow). Welcome Mr. S to my circle of friends. Your honesty with be a welcome addition to the growing group of people I learn about in friendship.

So on the Job front, no change. New news on “the BIG J” yet. Apparently the company is really interested, but is too busy to make a decision. They better hurry… I will be dropping myself into the available job market soon and hopefully someone near my home will say “HOLY Crap where have you been! Start now, here’s 50K a year and benefits”. Yea, so I guess I’m still dreaming :P

Crony will be here soon so I better hurry, wouldn’t want my keystrokes counted :P


Blame Crony for not being able to wish everyone individually well today. I do however wish you a day of beauty because for the first time in a LONG time, I FEEL beautiful and I think everyone should. See some beauty, particularly in yourself… because you ALL are beautiful


People can live one hundred years without really living a minute.
(Now that’s something to think about….)


Anonymous said...

Monday is Monday is Monday. Definition of Monday: 1.) Starts when you leave home for work for the first time after the weekend and ends about an hour before you leave work for the weekend. That is when Friday starts. 2.) the day that sucks the worst.

By that definition, all the bad things are artibuted to "Monday" and the rest of the week is not contaminated.

As far as the hens... Get a recording of the Eagles "Get over it" and make sure it is playing when the come around.. especially the part where it says "i'd like to find your inner child and kicks it's little A...." :)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're having a nice day!! Miss you [:.


This is 47

In my acquired wisdom I've accepted: 1. That it's OK to admit I like girly things 2. That it's OK I didn't post this ON...