Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Moving on up... not necessarily to the East side

I startled awake and bleary eyed looked at the clock. The floating numbers called out 6:30am.

"Oh Crap! My first day back and I'm going to be late!"

And so began the usual routine of trying to squeeze a few extra minutes in, when you have none to spare.

I am so tired. I am so sore. But I am moved into a new place that has the feel of a luxury resort. Life is good.

Friday, the move went longer than anticipated, due to stairs, and a freight elevator on the other side of the world for all intents and purposes. 6.5 hours after we started, the men cleared out, and we were left walking through a sea of boxes. I do have to say we did fairly good in keeping the boxes in their respective rooms though. We did manage to leave a small walkway through the apartment. We stayed up quite late unpacking and got the bathroom and part of the kitchen done before making the bed and literally collapsing in it.

Saturday I woke with the most horrendous pain in my right neck. Turns out I was so tired I fell alseep on my right shoulder, and stayed in that position, all night long. Not a good thing. In light of that and the packing we had done for two days straight, we decided Saturday, not Sunday would be our rest day.

Sunday my neck pain had gone from a pain in the neck to a pain in my collarbone and was steadily reaching forward into my upper arm. but no time for pain, must unpack! And unpack we did. All the dishes were washed, the second bedroom became more organized and finally when at 9pm I lifted a box and promptly dropped it (my arm literally gave out on me), I knew I was done.

It should be noted that I soaked each night in the most luxurious bathtub, in the hugest bathroom complete with a double vanity, and it was bliss.

Monday, I could not do too much. My arm, neck, and shoulder were ablaze with pain, so I slept. I dozed on the couch, did some laundry, finished the dishes and slept. I tried to be online but using the mouse hurts too much. So I rested.

All this went really well, today the pain isn't as bad, but it's still present. I have an underground parking spot (yay no more cleaning off snow!), and an INCREDIBLE view of the sunset. Being on the 4th floor we're just above the treeline so it is an amazing sight to see! As soon as I find my camera, I promise I will provide pictures.


And now for the medical news:

I noticed in my throat about a month ago now, a lump that wasn't going away. I had an appointment with my cardiologist for some heart related issues and I brought it up to her thinking it was an infection from something as benign as acid reflux. She said, it probably wasn't that because this was a swollen lymph node, not infected tissue. So I had to have more blood work done.

On Saturday, in the midst of relaxing in the early afternoon, I received a phone call from my doctor. My test results are back from my blood workup. My white blood cell count is high again and they want me to see an ENT (ear, nose, throat specialist) to have the lump looked at in detail. I will keep you posted (for those of you who wish to know) after I see my doctor for my second post op screening this thursday.

The hopes are high that this is just an infection or something due to stress. It would help if we all thought that :)


So now I'm back at work with 34 awaiting emails, not wanting to be here at all. I've already had my talk with S for the morning and thankfully she wont be in until after 10am. It might just be a good day after all ;)

Thanks to those who wished me well during the move. I'm glad to be moved, and hoping for smooth sailing ahead. :)

Be well everyone...You are a blessing to me everyday.

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This is 47

In my acquired wisdom I've accepted: 1. That it's OK to admit I like girly things 2. That it's OK I didn't post this ON...