Monday, May 07, 2007

Monday's Child was serene

What a beautiful day today! The sun is out, it’s warm and there is a nice breeze on occasion that catches you and makes you smile.

The weekend went wonderfully. A lot of big decisions had perched themselves on my shoulders constantly nagging at me reminding me that an answer needed to be reached. And finally this weekend, after reaching some point of clarity, I put those nags to bed where they can sleep until the next big decision I will have to make surfaces.

I’ve grown comfortable surprisingly so with Google Man at a very fast pace. I have to keep reminding myself as someone said to me “It’s not like your 18 and you have to be cautious of these things because you just don’t know better”. She was so right. A lot of my understanding of a lot of things is based on what I knew the last time I dealt with it. Well the last time I dealt with relationships I was much younger and so, I was carrying those ideals and concepts around. And the truth is things are different now. I’m an adult (Yipee!) and can make choices based on my needs/desires accordingly.

All that aside, the weekend was restful, fun and remindful for me; remindful in the sense that this is what it was like to relax and do things at my own pace. Life always has its stressors, but lately the stressors I have, haven’t seemed enormous. Attribute that to whatever you like, but I’m certain it has everything to do with some things lining up properly in a world of chaos. It’s like standing in the eye of the storm, but never having to ever leave that eye. The storm revolves around you but you’re safe.

I have noticed however, that this month has its share of small “issues”. What is with my being such a damn klutz lately!? It’s to the point where I’m left going “What the hell is wrong with me?”. I’m forever dropping things, forgetting things, and feeling like I’m going left when I should go right. I’m beginning to wonder if the sharp drop in my short term memory has anything to do with menopause. Crony at work advised in her sage wise voice, that “I’ve been past this point for 20 years and it STILL goes on”. Great! Thanks for the positive information!

Post it notes are my friend :P

I’m going to try and paint something this week. I have some books I took from the library (yes they still exist!) and if I find some time and inspiration, I’m going to read up a bit and try some of what they say. Who knows, maybe something good will come of it. Believe it or not I have a few requests for pictures lol. We’ll see how it goes.

Have a beautiful day everyone!

1 comment:

Suzie Ridler said...

It sounds like life is full of love and fun which is probably scrambling your brains a little. Being clumsy is also a sign that you're not getting enough sleep and rest! Try and take care of yourself and be gentle Lady M. Enjoy your creative endeavours!

This is 47

In my acquired wisdom I've accepted: 1. That it's OK to admit I like girly things 2. That it's OK I didn't post this ON...