Friday, March 16, 2007

Bill pay Day

“If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.“~Chinese Proverb

Today's Affirmation
I move beyond emotional reactions and respond with clarity and openness.


Today is bill pay day. For most of you long time readers of my blog, you know that this day is never a fun one. Ever since I was diagnosed, bill pay day has been even worse than before. You can pretty much figure that right? So today has been a day of phone calls, money lost, and trials and tribulations of being on top of a financial system for me that just doesn’t look promising.

Something has to give.

Today my fervent repetitive affirmation is that right now, somewhere, someone is making money, printing money for ME. That sometime soon I will be able to breathe about having more than possibly $6 each month (no joke lol). Instead of a woe is me post, it is a post of hopefulness. It is a post of gratefulness too, for all the help I received during and after my surgery. Without that help from many generous sources, I would be living at home, in very deep debt, and without hope. But because of that help I can at least move forward.

So today, I say: Right now, they’re making money for ME.

It’s not selfish, it’s hopeful and maybe someday soon that hope will turn to reality.

In other news, today is Friday and I have a busy weekend packed with visits with friends, visits with Google Man, and a lunch with my mom. Tonight in fact is the only night where I am not going to see someone (so to speak). I have errands to run, but then I can come home and relax. I hope I can get it all done.

The end of the first week back at work marks a week of tiredness and extreme boredom. My search for other means of income has proved at least this week, fruitless. Next week should be better as I ease back into the swing of things (hopefully). Anyone need a good employee? :D

I will end this post now before my mouth runs away with me and I begn to babble about things that either have no place here, have still to be thought out in my mind thoroughly before acting, or just generally don’t make sense.

So I bid you all adieu with well wishes today.


I hope today that whatever trials you face you can look at them from a different perspective. It’s hard trust me, but I have had reason to believe that affirmations and the “law of attraction” really do work. So try to see the bright side and send that out to the universe. You just might be surprised at the results. For those who have nothing but goodness or at least stability with no hiccups in their life right now, I send you more happiness straight from my heart. I celebrate your happiness and as such live vicariously through you too.

You are a blessing to me everday.

No matter how cloudy the skye gets, the sun always comes back out. Jessie Smith


Anonymous said...

I wish I could pay all your bills for you so you can focus your time on more important things :)

Anonymous said...

I so wish there were some way I could shoulder this burden for you or in some small way make things just a little better. Today, I just send my love and my prayers.

Suzie Ridler said...

Try to think of paying bills as good for the root chakra. It keeps you grounded and feeling safe that everything that needs to be taken care of, is taken care of. Everything else is a bonus.

This is 47

In my acquired wisdom I've accepted: 1. That it's OK to admit I like girly things 2. That it's OK I didn't post this ON...